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I recently lost my yellow tang to my giant cup mushroom. I was interested in a white cheek tang, I figured they were hardier than the powder blues. Any ideas, all water parameters are good?????
What about a Kole Tang? I loved mine and a GREAT personality! Hardy too. I plan to get another when we get a bigger tank.. the nano won't quite do right now
I have a white cheek tang, and mine has been very hardy. I got him online. He survived shipping and has been doing great for a few months now. Lot's of character, eats out of my hand every night. Also very beautiful. Here is a pic of mine:
The mushroom makes itself into a ball the size of a volleyball, the tang must have swam into the ball for some reason before the top of it fully closed. My tank is a 55, but there is plenty of swimming room because I didn't load it up with as much LR as usual. My yellow tang had plenty of room and seemed to like it, I think a white cheek would be alright, I was wondering if they were hardier than powder blues. I figured they would be hardier because they are from Hawaii. My buddy told me fish from the Maldives are usually caught with cyanide, which is harmful and stressful to the fish. Thanks for your opinions, I hope I'll have pics someday!!
i haven't set up my tank yet but i know im gonna have a pacific and an achilles tang in it. Personally i think the achilles are very beautiful and have a wonderful color of orange to them