Whisper Bio Bags

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 9, 2006
WOW........the price of large Whisper Bio bags for the Whisper #3 hob filter have gone up a lot.
I've been using the Whisper filter on my tanks for a long time and currently have 8 filters going and each filter uses 2 bags.
I was buying the bio bags on line in 12 packs for $8 and change, but now the price has increased to almost $14 for the 12 pack plus mailing
If I have to pay that much per month I just might look for other brands of filters where the bags are less costly
What I like most about the Whisper is the simplicity of the filter, every month change the bags and that's it
QUESTION #1 Does anyone know where to buy them (online) where they are less costly?
QUESTION #2 If I have to, in order to keep the monthly cost down, which other filter can I replace my Whispers with that will be as simple and less expensive for replacement bags

Thanx for any input

Might I ask why you are changing them so much? I always left them till they're falling apart in my hands. Just rinse in tank water.

FWIW alot of us use *cough cough* errrrr........ panty hose. Now I personally can't speak to the cost of said hose but they are a durable little multiuse product.
They trap pretty fine particles too.
Maybe if you put some nylon socks on all your new filter cartridges for a few weeks you'll strain out all that stuff clogging them.
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