white goop on driftwood????

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 31, 2004
I am very confused here help please.

Now more than 4 weeks after I added a piece of drift wood I started seeing a white goop on the wood. I would describe it as a goopy white film. It looks like a very think cobweb type. If I scrape it off it floats in the water. What is this? Wha should I do?

Some history... Plants and fish are doing very well, no one is sick...

I have recently been adding live plants to my 56 gal tank over the last 3 months. I have some amanzon sword and one other type of plant that I don't know the name of...

Not many fish and I have be very very careful about feeding.

I have recently purchased a piece of natural cedar drift wood on eBay from a person who cleans the wood for freshwater tanks. some details below... I love the wood and it came in better than expected.

Wood Seller is "my_goodys97" on eBay who states...

All pieces i sell are cleaned extensively they are power washed wire wheeled they are soaked in fresh water and dried at heat of 220 degrees,(does not hurt or scar wood)to kill all potential parasites
It is not unusual for driftwood to develop a film like that. it is a fungus whish will go away once it is done consuming whatever it is in the wood that it eats. I dont remember what it feeds on to be honest with you. Should go away on its own.
I thought Cedar was a potentialy poisonous in an Aquarium? Not sure how true that is, but you may wish to look into it.

Even if driftwood is precured, it is always good idea to boil it before it goes into the tank. Perhaps a good choice now, is to remove the wood, scrub off the goop, maybe even treat the good with Hydrogen Peroxide (out of the tank), rince and return it to the tank.
I just spoke with my lfs and they agreed with 'rich311k' first response. Just wait. They agreed with that is is a fungus that will eat away at the left over organic material in the drift wood until it is gone. And only would affect the fish if they all ready have an open wound, I guess if my fish are healthy, and they seem to be, I am just going to wait it out. I will respond back if things get ugly.
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