White High Fin Tetras Aggressive?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2003
Columbus Ohio USA
I recently bought three small angels. I've never had any problems with angels but after four days, all three have died. The first died within 5-6 hours, the next overnight, and the third within 24 hours. My wife said she saw a white high fin tetra nipping at the angels. I've kept angels with white fin tetras without any problems, though the angels were rather large. Are white fin tetras overly aggressive?
I do not think the tetras are responsible. I think there was a problem with the angels from the beginning (were they quarrantined?) and the tetras recognized stressed, ailing fish, which they would naturally want to dominate.

Have you taken the angels back?
No, I seldom take a fish back when it dies. Other than ottos, I've never really experienced fish dieing off right after I buy them. Fish weren't qtd do to QT not being set up. (When will I ever get the laundry room completed?)

One of the white high fin tetras is rather agressive toward most of the fish I've been noticing. Since the large angels died it's pretty much BFIT (Big Fish In Tank) Wasn't sure if the aggressiveness was natural or just status quo. Tank is full of tetras.
Consider getting some more white high-fins - I know that my black phantoms had some nippiness issues, almost like with tiger barbs, until I added to the group, so they may be like that. More females than males is a good idea, also, and it might take only an additional 2 or 3 to do the trick.
Yesterday I found a black phantom floating. It wasn't doing very well since the holiday freeze out so I don't know if he was a victim of violence or died of natural causes. I was hoping to get more diamond tetras next but will consider getting more whites.
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