White Stuff on Hood/Filter Lid

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 9, 2003
Hi....Have had my tank since early April (10 gal. w/5 zebra Danios, 2 Mickey Mouse Platys, and 1 long fin tetra)

Tank is doing great now that I have gotten over the initial 4 weeks!!

I have noticed some "white stuff" on the hood and on the filter cover. No smell, fish are fine. What the heck is it and how do you get rid of it :?:

It's just minerals - salt, whatever from the water that's evaporated.. .. You have hard-water in your house?
The best way to get rid of it is probably water and vingear solution...I'm not sure of the parts ratio, but you can probably find it if you search for a bit on here. Use a rag and get it all full of the solution, and just rub it off. It takes a little bit of elbow grease, but it will come off. Also make sure that you absolutely rinse it off completely before putting it back on your aquarium. I'm sure the fish won't be too thrilled with vinegar in their water. :)

It's the same stuff you find in your shower. But do not use any of the same materials you use to clean your shower. ;)

I get the same thing on my 10g tank as well. What I do, is I wipe it down whenever I do a water change. It's easier that way cause the tank is open and I can tank each part off and clean it separately instead of trying to maneuver around everything when it's still set up. Plus, I am very clumsy and accident prone and I'd end up breaking something or knocking something over :roll:
It is dissolved mineral deposits from hardwater, and a pain to get rid of. I remove the piece, clean it with CLR, then rinse it for a minimum of 10 minutes to make sure all of the CLR is off. You don't want that in your tank.
Nurselady, you don't happen to add aquarium salt to your tank do you? I used to add it every week because I thought it was good for the fish, then I realized the white stuff was salt deposits from when the water evaporated.
Thanks for the replies. No dont use any salt in my tank. And I am certain it is the mineral deposits and not food.

Thanks all. :)
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