Why are up right NOW?!?!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Always have been. When I happened to have a few weeks vacation from work over my Christmas break from school a couple years ago (I was supposed to be doing a study abroad trip but my flights all got snowed out due to a blizzard on the east coast so I had to cancel and already had taken the time off work) I became totally nocturnal for most of it. I would wake up around 4 or 5 pm and go to bed at 7 or 8 in the morning. That's just the pattern I fall into when I don't have any daytime obligations!
I am too but not to that extent. I usually go to bed at around 3am and have to work at 6am. I finish at 2pm, so have a nap on the couch!!. I have a good excuse though, because i'm at least 5hrs ahead of you guys, for me, AA only comes 'alive' late..lol
I am too but not to that extent. I usually go to bed at around 3am and have to work at 6am. I finish at 2pm, so have a nap on the couch!!. I have a good excuse though, because i'm at least 5hrs ahead of you guys, for me, AA only comes 'alive' late..lol

I usually go to bed around 1 or 2am, and go into work sometime between 8-11. It varies from day to day and week to week. We have been trying to get to bed before midnight recently though. My boyfriend goes in at 9:45 every morning and since both of our vehicles are not working he is riding his bicycle 7 miles into town every day, so a good night's sleep is pretty crucial. We live next door to one of my coworkers though, so I can easily catch rides to work most days since we have similar schedules.

It's funny you mention when AA comes to life for you over there. I like how it gets waves at different times from the people in different areas. It reminds me of when I had an online buddy from Austria. He was an insomniac, so we would often end up chatting until 6am his time. It always threw me off when he would say something about having to get ready for work when it was maybe 1am my time.
Should be in bed , have to get up at 4:30 cuz my sister wants to go visit my neice who s in the hospital but her stupid boyfriend has to be back home by 1 PM, so rather than go later & leave him at home, we re going to get there at 8am.
And my hip HURTS, so waiting for a pain pill to kick in. Gonna be a long day tommorrow .
So it s actually my neice s 8 yr old daughter, she had to have surgery cuz she fell on her bike handlebars & tore a hole in her intestines . Had a 3 hr surgery & was in ICU for 3 days.
Should be in bed , have to get up at 4:30 cuz my sister wants to go visit my neice who s in the hospital but her stupid boyfriend has to be back home by 1 PM, so rather than go later & leave him at home, we re going to get there at 8am.
And my hip HURTS, so waiting for a pain pill to kick in. Gonna be a long day tommorrow .
So it s actually my neice s 8 yr old daughter, she had to have surgery cuz she fell on her bike handlebars & tore a hole in her intestines . Had a 3 hr surgery & was in ICU for 3 days.

That's terrible! I hope shes ok! I'm up because we just had to finish the episodes of breaking bad that just got on Netflix... Then started Hell on Wheels because my mom recommended it and man, it's good too...
No idea.....woke up at 3 am on my day off & now watching Celebrity Game Night & reading up on AA. My cats aren t even up yet. Hoping for a nap later.
Cuz its 5 am here and I have to help my dad do a job. Then catch a bus to college at 6:50
Went to bed an hr ago & can t sleep! Ugh. My alarm goes off at 4:45 for work & both owners will be there so have to bring my A game. Anyone else up when they shouldn t be??
Went to bed an hr ago & can t sleep! Ugh. My alarm goes off at 4:45 for work & both owners will be there so have to bring my A game. Anyone else up when they shouldn t be??

I woke up about 2 hours earlier than usual. Prolly because I went to bed before midnight (rare). Just need to make it through one more day then the long weekend starts!
Been up since about 5am because my boyfriend had to go into work early and after he left I couldnt get back to sleep. I would drift into light sleep then think I heard something move and I got a bit creeped out. So I got up and made coffee and breakfast and now I am enjoying having some time before I go to work at 9. Unfortunately I work til 5 today and Sundays are always very busy so I know I will be exhausted when I get home! But hey, my week of vacation time starts tomorrow so thats ok.
I was going to post something on this thread around 3 am but was too tired to look for it.

Never fails...went to bed at 1:00 am after a very, very long day and five minutes later I get a call from work saying one of the servers is offline and the applications I support are unavailable. After a series of call backs and texts it gets resolved. However, I am too hyped up to go back to sleep for a couple of hours.

Currently enjoying a cup of coffee. Hoping for a quiet day. NFL Sunday.
I would drift into light sleep then think I heard something move and I got a bit creeped out...

I hate that. Alone and hearing a mysterious noise.

Speaking of creepy, the other day my wife threw in a movie from RedBox ("Olympus has Fallen") and the three previews had nothing to do with the movie:
The Conjuring
Insidious 2
Evil Dead
I was going to post here last night but was way to tired when I got home. We were up late last night watching the firefighters propane training. It was beyond awesome.
There were a few different departments there for training and basically they fill a tank with propane, set it ablaze then each team mans the hose and puts it out. For sure worth staying up late for.

I was going to post here last night but was way to tired when I got home. We were up late last night watching the firefighters propane training. It was beyond awesome.
There were a few different departments there for training and basically they fill a tank with propane, set it ablaze then each team mans the hose and puts it out. For sure worth staying up late for.

Yayyyyy fire! I would definitely say that's worth it.

I am not sure when I fell asleep last night. It was around 4 or so. Passed out in the recliner watching the new episodes of Supernatural on Netflix.
Keep watching dwarf gourami I have two males In the same tank hoping it works out ... So far so good no torn fins or nipped ones


Most time stay In diff spots on diff sides of tank
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