Why fancy goldfish require big tanks- visual perspective

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 16, 2011
philadelphia suburbs
Hopefully, this thread will provide a bit of insight into why fancies require quite a bit more water water than most people realize or are even willing to admit. I am not talking about a measly 20g per fish either. I think pictures provide a better insight than words.

Below is a juvenile telescope that is representative of the size of most goldfish sold in a lfs. He is the approximate size of a golfball (nose to tail) though thin and not in great condition (picked him up this past Saturday).


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Now, below is the same juvenile telescope in an 8g horse water bucket that measures 14inch across/15 1/2inches on the diagonal. He is pictured with an adult telescope that is pictured on the diagonal in the bucket (15 1/2in). A visual comparison of the juvenile goldfish stocked in the lfs versus a mature adult goldfish I believe speaks for itself. :)


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I think pictures provide a better insight than words

Indeed it does, Jess. Not long ago I was in a Petco & saw a Yellow Lab fully grown. I know they can get big (not like that goldfish) but when you see them face to face it does a shock point factor on what to expect.
Wow! I wanted another fancy when I got sorted but I kept telling myself no just go with the two. Especially since Peepers is getting bigger. After seeing that picture I don't need to scratch that itch anymore! Love it!
You should sticky this. Biggest rookie mistake that absolutely anyone can make (and many do). My very first fancy goldfish was in a 15litre tank. Fortunately he was only in there for 2 weeks. Thank goodness for examples like this one to really make people think.

Question: how long does it take for a fish to reach that size? Mine have doubled in size in 4 months but they are still small in comparison.
Now I'm wondering if I'll be okay with three fancies that are small/small-medium in a 60 gallon right now...or if I can get away with more...
While I don't find the attraction to goldfish like I do cichlids that is a amazing example for people new to the hobby, well done my friend!
Wow, it is hard to imagine the little guy getting that big. And in most peoples tanks it wouldn't :(

Please share how old the big Goldie is and what living conditions/tank/pond it was raised in, and now lives. That is a really beautiful fish.

Thank you and it would be great if you could do the same thing with the "feeder" goldfish too.

My daughter "rescued" a couple feeders and of course they were tiny 1.5-2 inches long and now maybe 8-10", in the pond, after 2 years.
Wow, it is hard to imagine the little guy getting that big. And in most peoples tanks it wouldn't :(

Please share how old the big Goldie is and what living conditions/tank/pond it was raised in, and now lives. That is a really beautiful fish.

Thank you and it would be great if you could do the same thing with the "feeder" goldfish too.

My daughter "rescued" a couple feeders and of course they were tiny 1.5-2 inches long and now maybe 8-10", in the pond, after 2 years.

My best guess is she is approximately 3yrs old, possibly a bit older. I purchased her from a private breeder that keeps the majority of his fancies in ponds. As our winters can be quite nasty and goldfish growth during the winter months is very limited, my best guess is she was in the 6-9 month range when I purchased her. She has spent the larger majority of her time indoors though she was outside last summer and will be again once our weather here decides to cooperate! She has grown this size in just about/under 2.5 years with a hefty wc schedule and an excellent diet.

I hope to get a few more comparison pics posted but not everyone has been as cooperative!! :)
My best guess is she is approximately 3yrs old, possibly a bit older. I purchased her from a private breeder that keeps the majority of his fancies in ponds. As our winters can be quite nasty and goldfish growth during the winter months is very limited, my best guess is she was in the 6-9 month range when I purchased her. She has spent the larger majority of her time indoors though she was outside last summer and will be again once our weather here decides to cooperate! She has grown this size in just about/under 2.5 years with a hefty wc schedule and an excellent diet.

I hope to get a few more comparison pics posted but not everyone has been as cooperative!! :)

Thank you, the picture really is worth a thousand words here especially. For sure make a sticky!
Somebody should make that into a poster. Might explain to people more why goldfish need such large tanks.
Wow, it is hard to imagine the little guy getting that big. And in most peoples tanks it wouldn't :(

Please share how old the big Goldie is and what living conditions/tank/pond it was raised in, and now lives. That is a really beautiful fish.

Thank you and it would be great if you could do the same thing with the "feeder" goldfish too.

My daughter "rescued" a couple feeders and of course they were tiny 1.5-2 inches long and now maybe 8-10", in the pond, after 2 years.

My goldfish of the same breed, though different colors, was purchased super small. Just shorter than my pinky and thin. I had him in a ten gallon and he had stunted growth. I upgraded to a thirty gallon (just him in the tank) and he is now about the length of my hand. Granted I have generally small hands... he is definitely at least 5-6 inches now. And plump but not fat :)
He's a fighter seeing as he's gone through fish illness a lot in the ten gallon and survived a whole big move to a new apartment. Had to put him in a bucket for the move while I took down and set up the new tank in my new place.
But he is definitely happier. I run two filters on it to get about 450 gph. And I'm thinking of adding a third. My city water is like... the worst ever.
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Have any of the other fish decided to be cooperative for the next photo shoot?

Going to try and post a few more pics! Three are from today (ryukins and juvenile moors) and the rest are from this past winter. Unfortunately, I no longer have my two giant moors for new pic comparisons thanks to the heron that outsmarted me this summer.
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An adult female ryukin and a juvenile (lfs size) ryukin (and YES you can have a heavily planted tank with fancies!!!!):


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