My 20g tank is very new. Talking about goldfish, Siamese F. fish, looking to get
cherry barb, paradise fish, tetra, black molly, albino guppy, cichlid.
No live plants yet; the shop owner said my newly placed gravel had no nutrients, thus I shouldn't have live plants yet.
I'm not trying to come across as a prick, but I'll add to what the others have said.
This is a bad combination of fish. Bettas (siamese fighting fish) rarely do well in freshwater communities. It's been done (I've done it), but it's completely dependant on the betta's personality. Some will be okay with other colorful fish in the tank, the majority will not. Goldfish generally shouldn't be kept with freshwater fish, and don't do well in 20 gallons. They'll outgrow that pretty quick. They also like colder water than all the other fish. Never put cichlids in with freshwater communities. There are some exceptions (eg angelfish or some rams), but you need to do some research on which cichlids are least likely to kill everything else.
NEVER put gouramis and bettas together. Bettas and paradise fish are gouramis and they're gonna be very territorial.
As for an ideal setup, a paradise fish, barbs, tetras, molly, and guppy are gonna be pretty compatible. I'd go with that, and just leave the goldfish, betta, and cichlid for other tanks.
If you find plants that most of their nutrients from the water column (eg duckweed, mosses, hornwoort, crypts) then the newness of the tank won't be a problem as long as you're adding liquid fertilizer weekly or twice-weekly. The nutrients that are in your gravel are largely the same nutrients found in your water column. For plants the get the majority of their nutrients from the roots, some root tabs will help quite a bit.