Will this sand kill my fish?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 1, 2005
Got a free bag of sand from a neighbor. Would it kill a freshwater tank? It says its for salt water. 100% calcuim carbonate, increased PH buffering. Im not trying to make a brackish tank, just to raise the gravel layer.
It will raise yuor PH. Depends on your fish. African Rift Lake cichlids might like it. But in general I would say do not use it.
It would depend mostly on what you have in your tank. If you have African Cichlids from Lake Tanganyka, They would probably enjoy the boost in PH. But if your fish were from South or Central America, adding the sand would be a big mistake. How about a little info on what you are currently stocked with?
It also will raise Kh/alkalinity. Its meant for Salt tanks because it helps buffer the water to ocean like parameters.

In some situations, it'd be fine for a FW setup, in others...not so much.
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