Willing to trade plants for plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 1, 2005
Hey everybody... I have these following plants available regularly from trimming for trade:

1. Baby Red Tiger Lotus (Most have bulbs)
2. Dwarf Sag
3. Water Sprite
4. Jungle Val (soon)
5. Amazon sword (On occasion)
6. Java Moss

I am looking to trade for more foreground carpeting or low plants or red stem plants such as:

1. Dwarf Baby Tears (Hemianthus callitrichoides)
2. Dwarf Hair Grass (Eleocharis acicularis)
3. Glosso (Glossostigma elatinoides)
4. Microsword

5. Rotala macrandra (Rotala macrandra)

PM me or reply here to organize a trade!
j, the macranda is coming along. It has grown an inch or so, and the second stem that started is about an inch long too... Another month or six weeks and I will be able to get you a stem... unless you find some before then :)
would you be willing to sell me java moss if so how much to ship to 03301
Hey cadenzero... didn't see your post before. I would ship you some Java moss as its about ready for a good trimming. Looks excellent and green right now. Ill send it priority mail for 10 bucks.

Let me know if you are still interested.

Anybody else have dwarf baby tears? Still looking!
I dont have anything to trade right now but I would be interested in buying some Baby Red Tiger Lotus, Dwarf Sag, Amazon sword, and Java Moss. As much or as little of each s you want to get rid of. If you would let me know how much shipped to 75447. You can pm me the amount and payment info.

thanks Mike
I dont have anything to trade right now but I would be interested in buying some Baby Red Tiger Lotus, Dwarf Sag, Amazon sword, and Java Moss. As much or as little of each s you want to get rid of. If you would let me know how much shipped to 75447. You can pm me the amount and payment info.

thanks Mike

I will be making a trimming soon, probably this weekend.

Ready to go right now.

-Java Moss (half a cup)
-Dwarf Sag (6-8 rooted)
-Tiger Lotus (baby 4-6 inches in height 3-4 leaves) - Gets BIG
-Jungle Val (4-6 rooted)

Let me know if you are interested. Ill take 10 bucks for it including shipping. PM me for paypal.

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