won't my fishes get bored of the same food?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 1, 2014
i throw in the same food everyday,
neon tetra always look for the hikari tropical crab cuisine

white cloud mountain minnow, spotted danio,
and pink zebra danio eats pellets, dried blood worms

common pleco, ghost shrimp, otocinclus
and siamese algae eater eats algae wafers

rummynose tetra - unsure
filter eats those cheap floating goldish ball

i am surprised they actually do learn that i am the feeder
and always come up to the surface and swim aggressively
when i come near the tank.

just that dun they get bored of the same food everyday?
That's quite the mix of fish! It's always nice to offer a variety of food, do you feed any frozen?
I don't think fish get "bored" but a variety is always good I guess. I always try to get quality flakes or pellets and just use that. Occasionally some frozen brine shrimp or worms.
i dun see any frozen fish food in my small country - singapore,
probably because the shopkeepers will need to get a refrigerator
and then pay the high electricity bill.

will have have a lookout on fish flakes, somehow i thought
they were not healthy, well but i could just it for variety.

i have seen live brine shrimp or bloodworms in a very small plastic bag
but they costs $1.50 whereby my fish (like neon tetra) only costs $0.20....
i will still try them out someday.

forgot to mention i also feed my pleco cucumber, apple, fallen leaf
when i have the time which is rarely.
Good quality flake or pellets is just fine in my opinion.
Good luck!
Yes you should always give your fish a variety of food. So they can have different things & not eat the same thing everyday. Think of it like this, "would you like to eat the same food everyday"?
I give my fish different frozen food,crickets,sometimes feeder fish.
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