Would this work?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 5, 2011
Someone just gave me a 20 gallon long that's been cycling for 25 years. I currently have a percula and a three stripe damsel I want to get a coral beauty a Javanese damsel and a stars and stripes puffer. Do any of you think there'd be an issue there?
Hello, welcome the the forum!:welcome::welcome: You may be able to add the Damsel and the angel, I have never heard of that puffer before, but I thought puffers needed more than 20 gallons of swimming room (unless it is a super small puffer or something lol). Just be careful if you add the damsel because your current damsel may be aggressive towards it. Good luck!(y)
Actually the place I get them just got a porcupine puffer so what do you think about that instead of the stars and stripes
I would not put a puffer in a 20 ... ..The tank is just big enough for the dwarf angel,,but just barely ..They get 5+ inches and may not be able to stay in there for life..
Your tank is way too small for a stars & stripped puffer and a porcupine puffer. Both will around 2-3 foot long. Tank size should be in the 100s or 200s gallon. Here is a pic of a massive stars & stripped puffer taken last week during my road trip:
They dont get 2-3 feet. The porcs will get 1' and stars and stripes a little bigger. Still 100+ gals tho. I personally dont think thatl work for a dwarf angel. MAYBE only and african dwarf flameback.
it's not a good tank for even a pigmy angel IMO. what happened to the coral beauty that was in the aquarium before? generally, fish live 10-15 years.
Wait am I the only person that noticed that the tank has been cycling FOR 25 YEARS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Is that a typo?!?!?!?!?
haha talk about a long cycle, def wouldnt do a puffer in a 20 with other fish, unless it was a pea puffer...
Are you sure your using the term cycling right? Cause that means your ammonia and/or nitrates and/or nitrates are all high and not at zero. Most fish would die in a month or shorter under these conditions. Converted Millie's are the only fish I can think that might make it and those odds are still slim. A twenty five year cycle might make sense for a large sea. But that's still long. Restart the entire system would be my suggestion
So the tank has been up for twenty five years. But it had cycled and is no longer cycling.
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