wpg in a 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 29, 2005
Iowa, USA
I have two 15 watt clear bulbs in my ten gallon... technically when the math is done it is 3 wpg, but would it still be considered lowish light because of the inital wattage of the bulbs?
Edt for dumb answer. 30watts no would be low light- medium over ten gallons. I am sure the Wiz will be along on this one. He is on a crusade to reform our views of lighting. :)
I have 30W NO over my 10 gal and can grow medium light plants fine. Some medium high grow slowly. Check my album for pictures. I add a small dose of Excel, and almost zero ferts. (just fish poo)
I'm sorta on a crusade to update with the times, besides, it gives me something to do to stop thinking of work :)

10 Gal we are trying to work out. but 30w of NO fluorescent lights, or if you have an incandescent fixture, 2 11w Compact Fluorescent "screw ins" would be good if you can get them to fit.
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