Yellow Eyed Kole Tang Sick Maybe?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2008
Any body know a Little bit about Kole Tangs and there Change in color? I notice today he seems a little blotchy white almost like if he rolled into some powder..... Just wondering if by chance if that's just growth happening or is it a sickness.... This sucks cause I don't want to keep every week I see something wrong with my Fish I have to keep putting them in QT because I see something wrong with them..... Whats the point of having a Display Tank with Fish if they are always in QT... But if anyone has any Inout I would really appriecated it....

Can you post some pictures. If it looks like there are grains of salt all over his body it may be white spot disease (ich) if that is the case then you may want to QT to prevent any of the other fish from getting sick. What are your water parameters? How new is he?
How does he look at the end of the day? Sometimes when the lights come on my fish will look pale and splotchy but an hour or two later they are OK.
Yeah that's how he was but it look more like if his color was changing he was eating yesterday fine but this little guy is constantly eating... I just think it was just a small growth spurt or something.... He does not seem sick at all just, but I did see him expand his fins and his color just brighten up I was like look at this :)
Just an Update... He looks real good now.... But he looks brighter than ever... I guess he was just upgrading
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