Yellow stingray

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 8, 2011
I have a yellow stingray that I currently own for about a week and a half but all he does is bury himself in the sand but I try to feed him shrimp but he does not eat it. Any suggestions?
Stingrays do not do that great in home aquariams. I believe in their natural enviornments they just cover themselves and wait for food to show up. Whay size tank is this in? Hopefully about a 210 gallon or up.
Stingrays and sharks can do just fine in home aquariums, the problem is the majority of people that purchase them do not provide proper care (this includes tank size). I do hope you have provided this ray with a properly sized aquarium and having worked with stingrays I would provide no less than 500g (they stress easily if they feel constricted). This particular stingray is considered hardy, but does spend much of its time waiting for prey instead of searching for food. It will eat small fish and crustaceans, but if it is not eating right away try live earthworms and ghost shrimp. Some fish can be harmful to rays such as angelfish, triggers, pufferfish, etc.
Sorry that`s not enough. I`m afraid he`s not going to make it. You are starting to see the early signs right now.
The ray will eventually reach about a 16" disc width and over 24" long. You'll notice ray frustrations when they begin to get fidgety and slam themselves against aquarium walls. Usually loss of appetite is evident when their frustrations set in, but since it is a new addition and only 11" I'll give the benefit of the doubt. Eventually it will need to be moved to a larger display, but for now try the live food options given :)
i just bought a 5-6" cortez ray last week and am having the opposite experience. my little bugger swims around like there's no tomorrow. finally this morning (after owning him for about 5-6 days) I found him buried in the sand. now he's back to swimming like a mad man. my baby ray is in a 125 right now, but these guys dont get too big.
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