Aquarium Advice Newbie
I put a pefectly healthy yellow tang (medium) in my tank 5 days ago.
For the first 4 days, he was very active and sociable. He also took an imediate likeing to one of my clowns, and they became inseperable.
Suddenly last evening, I noticed that he had gotten very reclusive, hiding in the back corners of the tank and not eating.
Occasionaly he will dart from one corner to the other, but spend no time at all in the open water, like he did initially.
My parameters are perfect, by fowlr standards.
Am I gonna loose him/her?
Thanks as usual, for your shared knowledge and experience!
For the first 4 days, he was very active and sociable. He also took an imediate likeing to one of my clowns, and they became inseperable.
Suddenly last evening, I noticed that he had gotten very reclusive, hiding in the back corners of the tank and not eating.
Occasionaly he will dart from one corner to the other, but spend no time at all in the open water, like he did initially.
My parameters are perfect, by fowlr standards.
Am I gonna loose him/her?
Thanks as usual, for your shared knowledge and experience!