Yellow water

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 19, 2011
Ok, I have a new tank. I have cycled. I have some live plants and a white gravel substrate. I have 2 HOB filters running, a Top Fin 10 and a Top Fin 20. I have 12 fish and 5 Ghost Shrimp. I removed the carbon from the filters as everyone seems to do so. I have to do 30% to 50% water changes daily to keep the water clear and even then it's still a little yellow. Should I replace the carbon? My tank is 20 gallons. I vacuum my tank.
No driftwood at all. Do have a moss ball, some java moss, some sword plant and wysteria and a king tut statue from Petsmart.
3 red platy
6 danio chapre
1 red gourima
2 black mollies
1 zebra danio
5 ghost shrimp
3 red platy
6 danio chapre
1 red gourima
2 black mollies
1 zebra danio
5 ghost shrimp
stocking seems fine(although the danio should be in a group of at least 6),i have no idea.
I had more danios (3) but 2 died. Now if I got 5 more from a different place, I might be overstocked. Don't want any more danios from Petsmart.
I just decided to put carbon in one filter to see if it helps. It's silly to have to do 50% water changes daily!
Could fertilizer tabs put in rock cause yellow water?
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