Yo Yo Loach and others

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 12, 2005
Canada Ont, Owen Sound
K here is the deal as many of you may know I post alot of question and have one more lol we have 5 tetras Harlequin and 2 not sure, 1 small crab like a fiddler, glass cat and a small algea eater will a yo yo be ok with these guys? Please let me know its a free be but a very cool fish I can get tommorow thanks guys and gals :) The crab is black and red? and my tank is 55 gals
Yep, try to keep yo-yo loaches in groups of 4 or more. They'll get about 4-4.5" long as adults...pretty good natured.
I have three yo-yos in a 50 and they keep me amused. You will love the new addtion, but you should get it some buddies.
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