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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 7, 2003
Athens, TN.
Well I bought a 55 gal kit from Wal Mart on 8/31. While shopping aT my lfs he said that the filter pump that was in it was a "cheap" unit and I needed to get an emporor 400. $89.99. Well I didn't get it, I also looked at his penguin 330 made by the same company (supposed to be good for a 70 gal) wow it was 79.99. So I passed. Then yesterday I went to petco, the 400 was only 74.95 and the 330 was only 49.95. So I got the 330. Proud that I saved $30.00 I hurried n home to install my good filter and take the other back to Wal mart for exchange. These filters look close? So Wal mart says I have to deal with the manufacture on the power filter (it was making a funny noise). Called them and they said it needs cleaning. So I cleaned it, removed the impeller and scrubed it, put it all back together and it works wonderfully. Got the new power filter book out and the thing is made by the same people. So I paid $50.00 for a bio-wheel set up. (which I could have bought for my old one).

I guess the good news is, if I need extra filteration, or my primary goes down, I do have a spare. :roll:

I guess the leson I learned is not to take the lfs's word on everything and watch his prices CLOSE.
This'll make you even angrier...

At you can get the Penguin 330 for a mere $24. Just bought a second one for my 55 a couple of weeks ago. They sell a Fluval 404 for $89.99. Now that's unheard of!

(I did pay $55 at Petco for my first Penguin 330, though.)

Now you know!

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