Your experiences with camallanu worm and meds

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 5, 2012

After having an outbreak of camallanus worm last year I am just wondering what everyone has used to treat this? I want to get some more meds incase these nasty beggars ever come back. I have used chanaverm with some success. Des anyone know if anything is available that actually kills all stages of this parasite, rather than just paralyses the internal worms so they can be passed? A particularly keen for other UK aquarists as I know that certain meds available overseas aren't here.
I have a Jewel Cichild who I diagnosed with Camallanus worms. I used De-worming Flake with Fenbendazole. They seem to have gone away as I do not see them poking out any more. I got mine from here:

Medicated Flake Food for Fish

They seem like nice high quality food and my Jewel ate them as vigorously as she eats her regular foods. Now on to fighting with what I believe is columnaris.
Levamisole HCI is the treatment of choice but I'm not familiar with what's available to you. Even if the medication isn't for fish and available to you from a bird, farm, or dog form it still works the same.
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Avitrol plus bird wormer contains levamisole and praziquantel. Get the tablets and dose 1 crushed pill per 10L of tank water. Do a thorough gravel vac and a large water change after 6 hours. Repeat in 2 weeks. It's plant, fish, invert and bacteria safe. You might have to look for it online. Don't get the liquid. There are some reports of it causing mass bacteria blooms and suffocating fish.
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