Zebra Danio w/ possible parasite(?)

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 22, 2004
Michigan, USA
well, for the last two weeks I was in Washington D. C. for work and I come home and my fish tanks have been... well... frankly a nightmare. Two fish died while I was gone and yesterday I noticed one of my zebra danios has a huge red sore on his side. It looks almost like a canker sore on humans or something. I quarantined him and added some salt to the tank and added some melafix. I do have a couple more questions about quarantining. I can't get a good pic of the sore because (1) he's fast and (2) I don't have a camera that's good for taking pictures of tanks. Right now he's in a 10 gallon w/ a whisper 10 filter w/o the insert because I assumed it would take out the medicine and a heater. The tank is COMPLETELY empty (minus filter and heater). No gravel etc. I figured if I put gravel in it and medicated it it might become infected with what he has and if I ever need to medicate in that tank again in addition to what the other fish have they may get what this guy has as well. Am I correct w/ this assumption or should he really have gravel in there? Is there anything else I should know about this? Better medicine? Suggestions what it might be etc? Also, This tank was not cycled or anything like that. Will one danio cycle a 10 gallon? Should I just change the water frequently so he doesn't get ammonia burn etc? I'm hoping this will heal and he can go back to the 55 soon and cycling won't be a problem, but I was still curious. Thanks for any advice.
Keep up the water changes. Clean water and melafix are the best treatment for sores. No real need for gravel, especially for a danio. Maybe add plastic plant or a cave for him. Is the sore open or more like a large bump?
Open sore. it's beginning to close up though. It looks like the melafix and the salt etc are helping. Hopefully he'll be ok in a week or two and can go back home to the 55.
Keep doing water changes on the QT tank. My QT is bare bottom. I add a fake plant or two for cover for them to hide in. What are the parameters on the main tank? Hard to say what it might be without pics. Is there anything or anyone in the main tank that might have caused the injury?
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