Teen aquarists

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Thought I might as well share my scare of the day: I posted quite a while back pictures of my 3 emersed plant tubs. Everything was going quite well, I was getting awesome growth from lots of my plants. Then, in less than 24 hours, this happened in 1 of the tubs:

Thankfully, I just got it worked out (apparently a moisture/humidity issue) but boy that was scary! The annoying part is that those were some pretty slow-growing plants, so that was a few month's of growth that got wiped out :facepalm:
Here!!!!! The water isnt really green. Its the lights and my wall


Thought I might as well share my scare of the day: I posted quite a while back pictures of my 3 emersed plant tubs. Everything was going quite well, I was getting awesome growth from lots of my plants. Then, in less than 24 hours, this happened in 1 of the tubs:




Thankfully, I just got it worked out (apparently a moisture/humidity issue) but boy that was scary! The annoying part is that those were some pretty slow-growing plants, so that was a few month's of growth that got wiped out :facepalm:
That would have sucked... Just saying. Good thing you got it under control-ish.:)
Ugh. Down to 7 diamond tetras... I'm so sick of those tetras. They've been nothing but trouble and now that I've decided to get rid of them they keep getting sick and dying! I think that I'm fighting that disease that starts with a c... It looks like columns... Yeah. Need to get more meds tomorrow! On a positive note my angel is looking better:)

Yea I'm tired of neon tetras, first I bought 5, they died, now I bought 7, I only have one left :(
Red eye tetras are pretty neat too!
Yea I'm tired of neon tetras, first I bought 5, they died, now I bought 7, I only have one left :(
Red eye tetras are pretty neat too!

Yeah, I understand. It's pretty awful. I feel so over the place with my aquariums though. My moms 2g isn't the best, my 5.5g and 3G are doing very well, my 10g is just there, and my 55g makes me want to give up. I'm so tired fighting the sickness and aggression and everything. I just want them to go away and leave me with a nice tank!

That would have sucked... Just saying. Good thing you got it under control-ish.:)

Yeah - ish....haha. I'm just glad I caught it when I did, or they most likely would've been goners - not good, those 3 plant groups that I showed, since they're fairly rare, total over $80 :whistle:
Yeah - ish....haha. I'm just glad I caught it when I did, or they most likely would've been goners - not good, those 3 plant groups that I showed, since they're fairly rare, total over $80 :whistle:

Wow. I don't think that I even have $80 in plants in my 55g... That's a lot... Definitely good catch!
Wow. I don't think that I even have $80 in plants in my 55g... That's a lot... Definitely good catch!

Haha - I'm scared to think it, but I probably have $100 in downoi alone in my 55 :hide: A scary thought but probably true. The rest was pretty cheap though, $60-70 maybe for all the rest? Lots of people on here have fancy cichlids or plecos, I'm more into fancy plants :D
Haha - I'm scared to think it, but I probably have $100 in downoi alone in my 55 :hide: A scary thought but probably true. The rest was pretty cheap though, $60-70 maybe for all the rest? Lots of people on here have fancy cichlids or plecos, I'm more into fancy plants :D

Hey, we all have our little niche:). I'm still looking for mine... I'm thinking the simple, overlooked least killies. That's a lot of downoi too! I'd be too scared to put that much money in plants in a tank. I know I'd kill them! But honestly your tank does look fabulous:)
Haha - I'm scared to think it, but I probably have $100 in downoi alone in my 55 :hide: A scary thought but probably true. The rest was pretty cheap though, $60-70 maybe for all the rest? Lots of people on here have fancy cichlids or plecos, I'm more into fancy plants :D

I like bonsai trees if they count.
Hey, we all have our little niche:). I'm still looking for mine... I'm thinking the simple, overlooked least killies. That's a lot of downoi too! I'd be too scared to put that much money in plants in a tank. I know I'd kill them! But honestly your tank does look fabulous:)

I don't I'm everywhere lol
Hey, we all have our little niche:). I'm still looking for mine... I'm thinking the simple, overlooked least killies. That's a lot of downoi too! I'd be too scared to put that much money in plants in a tank. I know I'd kill them! But honestly your tank does look fabulous:)

Yeah, geez I wish my planted tank looked like yours!
Haha - I'm scared to think it, but I probably have $100 in downoi alone in my 55 :hide: A scary thought but probably true. The rest was pretty cheap though, $60-70 maybe for all the rest? Lots of people on here have fancy cichlids or plecos, I'm more into fancy plants :D

I have about $200 in fish :)
Hey, we all have our little niche:). I'm still looking for mine... I'm thinking the simple, overlooked least killies. That's a lot of downoi too! I'd be too scared to put that much money in plants in a tank. I know I'd kill them! But honestly your tank does look fabulous:)

Thanks! :) This is definitely the first scape I've received compliments on, I suck at scaping :p I believe my profile biography is still "awful aquascaper" :lol:

I was a bit afraid, putting that much money into it, however when I thought about it I realized that I would probably make it back, and then some. The portions I got were tissue cultured, so they have little "clones" popping out everywhere. So, lots of plants per portion. Also, since size seems to be everything with downoi due to the slow growth rate, an $8 portion could easily be worth $40+ when grown out.
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