My new angelfish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2021
I purchased 5 today from the local shop that specializes in SW, but has a nice FW collection. One is all black like the single fish I have and the others have interesting markings. I bought 3 all black ones at Petsmart less than a month ago and all looked good, but 2 suddenly died. The trio stuck together and it pained me to see her all alone. They are in a healthy tank, all good params, and the rest of the community continues to thrive. I have had much better success with the little SW shop than big stores and will buy what I can from them in the future. Owned by a very nice older couple who have been into fish for decades.

I took some pics & can’t upload any. I failed to upload a pic of a Synodontis petricola for Colin a while ago. I don’t think I’m doing anything different from when I successfully uploaded photos before. I will try later. I had to take many photos with this iPad to get a few decent ones.
Trying again to upload new anglerfish photos

Failed! :banghead:
I prefer to use offsite hosting like Google pictures or Photobucket, it’s much easier to work with at times!

Sorry to hear you lost 2 of your angels. Sometimes it’s just purely bad genetics or other things out of our control! I wish we had local mom&pop shops, I much rather support them over big box stores and I can’t help but think you get a fish from a much better line of genes as well as just being cared for a lot better.
I’d have to say the two small local fish shops get better fish, but often the selection is limited.

I am usually able to add photos through my iPad files, will try again. Thanks, I’ll keep your suggestions in mind if I continue to have trouble
Trying again to show off my new angelfish

Failed again! All appears to go well, but they don’t post.


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With the selected breeding of fish by some. I'm surprised that no one has ever breed much smaller version of of Angle fish as they are so good looking. :)
No, it would not really be natural but neither are a lot of fish sold.
Many would love to have a pair of angels but do not have the room for them.
Awww…that would be adorable, mini angelfish!
That’s a pretty good idea really. It really takes a fairly large tank to house a couple full grown angels and not everyone has the room or budget for larger tanks.
That’s a pretty good idea really. It really takes a fairly large tank to house a couple full grown angels and not everyone has the room or budget for larger tanks.

To be honest, smaller Angelfish would probably still be aggressive when older so not a good fish for a small tank. If they paired, it would be even worse.
There is a small angelfish specie ( P. leopoldi ) that can take a smaller tank than P.scalare but they still need space to prevent bullying.
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