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  1. aqua7

    Transitioning 10 gallon fw to saltwater

    What do I need to transition my current freshwater 10 gallon glass tank to saltwater? Any and all advice will be appreciated.
  2. aqua7

    Wanted: Looking for Assassin Snails

    I currently have way too many (unidentified) snails in my tank that most likely came with my amazon sword so I'm now looking for assassin snails to help keep the population under control.
  3. aqua7

    Red Cherry Shrimp and Otocinclus

    I have a heavily planted 10 gallon tank with 3 red wendtii, 13 anacharis, 3 java fern, 1 banana plant, 1 small amazon sword, 3 big java moss bunches, driftwood and lava rock. There is about 13 RCS in there and 1 female zebra danio. I would like to add some otocinclus to the tank and I'm...
  4. aqua7

    Re-aquascaping 10 gallon tank

    I want to move things around my 10 gallon tank, but I have a some concerns that I would love advice/opinions for. First of all I have 3 Red Wendtii plants which are growing little Wendtii's close to them. Plus I've read that this plant can melt if moved. Second, I have an Amazon Sword which...
  5. aqua7

    Set up new RCS tank

    I want to start up a new RCS tank, but I'm wondering if I can seed it from my 10 gallon tank. I have a lava rock in my 10 gallon with java moss on it and I was wondering if that has any of the beneficial bacteria and if that would suffice in the seeding on the shrimp tank. I want to use the...
  6. aqua7

    Zebra Danio injured

    One Of my zebra danios seems to have scrapped himself on his side. The wound looks red and now he has gone into hiding and didn't eat today. What could I do to help the poor little guy?
  7. aqua7

    RCS Plants

    Besides java moss what other plants do red cherry shrimp like or love?
  8. aqua7

    Water Wisteria Help

    My water wisteria plant has gradually lost leaves and now only a few remain at the top. What is going on? Anyone's help is appreciated.
  9. aqua7

    RCS and Amano Shrimp

    How compatible will the Amano shrimp be with the RCS? I already have 2 RCS (male and female) in my 10 gallon. It is well planted with an amazon sword, water wisteria, java moss and java fern. Also, how long will it be until the new born RCS start to come out of hiding? They're still clear in color.
  10. aqua7

    Pop-eye on Zebra Danio

    One of my female Zebra Danios seems to have pop-eye, but no redness in the eyes. What should I do about her condition? How can I treat it?
  11. aqua7

    Dwarf Gourami Hiding

    I recently bought 2 Dwarf Gouramis. Seems like I got a male and a female. I got the male first and about a week later the female. About a week after introducing the female she now spends most of the day hiding behind the driftwood or plants. Could anyone please tell me why she might be doing this?
  12. aqua7

    3 Zebra Danios and?

    Could I add 2 or 3 Mickey Mouse Platies to go with my 3 Zebra Danios in a 10 gallon tank? Sent from my iPhone using Aquarium
  13. aqua7

    Male Betta not swimming

    Last Monday I bought 2 Otocinclus to go with my other 2. On Wednesday my Betta just sat at the bottom of the fish tank in a corner the whole day. Every day since then he just floats at the top motionless the whole day. He still eats. Does anyone know what may be wrong? Sent from my iPhone using...
  14. aqua7

    Transparent Amazon Sword leaves

    I have 2 Swords and they seemed to be doing great, but 2 weeks ago I added Java Moss and Java Fern to my tank and since then the leaves on the Sword seem to be getting transparent and the bigger green leaves are being over run by algae. What should I do to help them? What leaves should I trim...
  15. aqua7

    PWC's twice a week?

    I was just wondering if making 2 PWC's a week to a 10 gal tank affect the fish or plants in any way?
  16. aqua7

    Safe to add to tank?

    A friend recently went to the beach and brought me a rock and shell for my fish tank. I've read that shells are bad and some kind of rocks as well. I just want to double check before I discard them. Any help/advice will be appreciated.
  17. aqua7

    Help ID shrimp

    I recently bought 3 Ghost Shrimp, but I've heard that other shrimp can be sold as Ghosties while being another kind. I just want to double check if I do indeed have Ghost Shrimp. Sorry about the picture quality.
  18. aqua7

    Copper and shrimp

    I've been contemplating the idea of getting some shrimp. My question is, how deadly would 0.001% copper in plant ferts be to shrimp? What are some copper free ferts out there?
  19. aqua7

    Carbon and liquid ferts?

    My filter contains carbon in it and I was wondering if I was to add liquid ferts to the tank for my plants, will the carbon absorb the ferts?
  20. aqua7

    Betta chasing Platies

    Two days ago I added 3 Platies (2 female, 1 male) to my 10 gallon tank which was inhabited by a male Betta and 2 Otocinclus. Things seemed to be going well until today that I noticed the Betta flaring and chasing the Platies. What should I do? Will the Betta eventually give up?
  21. aqua7

    Amazon Sword under filter outflow

    If I was to replant one of my Amazon Swords right below my HOB filter outflow, would the Sword be affected in any way?
  22. aqua7

    Ferts for Amazon Sword

    Which is the best type/brand of ferts for Amazon Sword plants? Thanks in advanced!
  23. aqua7

    Slow down filter outflow

    I have the newer tetra whisper pf10 model and would appreciate ideas on how to slow down the outflow of the water. As of now I have a small net that is helping and water level is about 4 inches from rim. If I was to fill it up to only leave 2 inches from rim the outflow becomes stronger. Any...
  24. aqua7

    Hello all!

    I just joined a few days ago and wanted to take the time to say hi to everyone in the forum. I'm very glad :D to have found/joined this forum as I know I'm now part of a community that loves fish just as much as myself. Have a good day or night everyone.
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