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    TANKS CRASHING! coldwater and tropicals!

    Im getting an allergic reaction from my aquariums so I used rubber dish gloves and a pair of vet livestock gloves to clean my aquariums yesterday. Now they are both crashing! Ive already lost 2 goldies and my third was stuck in the plants on its side gasping for air. Ive moved him to a bucket...
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    Betta with funny lump on chin

    While looking for a betta for my boyfriend I saw a male at the store who had a weird looking lump on his chin. It wasnt inflamed or red looking, it was just a little lump under his skin. It almost looked like he had a little seed bead under his chin. I wanted to bring him home and treat him...
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    Pothos? Completely under water?

    Say I tool a trimming of pothos and planted it in my tank so that all the leaves were underwater...would this work? Ive heard that it can go into tanks but Ive also heard that it just grows on top. Id really like to put some in my 10 gal but since I have a lid on top I wouldnt be able to have...
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    Stringy White Poo (Update- cant find meds in can. What now?)

    I know its been brought up before but Ive tried searching for it without luck....what causes fish to have stringy white 'sausage-casing' poo. One of my female bettas has it right now and she is in a communal fem betta tank. Im really worried that she could be spreading a disease to my other...
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    Betta Rescue! URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!

    I went into the lfs to pick up some female bettas and in the corner of one of the tanks was a male betta in rough shape. Some how he had made it out of his betta barracks and into a tank of serpae (sp?) tetras. I thought he was dead until I saw his little gills flapping. He was still...
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    Cory mating ritual?

    Has anyone ever watched their cory cats mate. I have a peppered cory and an alibino cory in a 10 gallon and the peppered cory is acting funny. He(or she?) constantly follows the albino one around and then rubs up against it while vibrating/wiggling really fast. The albino doesnt seemed phased...
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    New female betta. Unique fins?

    I bought this betta a few weeks ago and since then I have been looking at pictures of other female bettas. It seems that i cant find a picture of another female with the same type of finnage as mine. My female's dorsal fin looks exactly like her anal fin. The pictures of the females I see...
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    I want information on keeping a fem. betta serority.

    I have a 10 gallon with a few other fish and one female betta I got a couple of weeks ago. I want to move my other fish into differnt tanks and start a serority in my well planted 10 gal. I need all the information I can get: links, experience, advice. Everything is helpful. How many fish...
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    Bettas: Imbellis and Plakat, how to tell the differnce?

    I bought a short finned betta a few weeks ago and I cant tell if he is a plakat or an imbellis. He is a vibrant aqua blue, if that helps. Does anyone know how to tell the difference between these breeds?
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    Wanted: Quiet, affordable, 10 gal (or more) filter.

    Ok so Ive had it with my stupid aquaclear 150; the damn thing is way too noisey. I had a petcetera 10 gal started kit that came with an extremely quiet filter but I moved that to my 3 gal hex and put my 30 gal filter on my 10 gallon tank. Its so loud that I need to go out and buy I new one...
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    Sand covered bubbles. (new sand substrate)

    I put black sand in my divided 2.5 for my bettas. The thing is, the water is full of little bubbles which the sand seems to like sticking to. Now I have tingy sandy bubbles all over my water. Will the go away on their own?
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    Can any silicone work?

    I want to divide a tank and i need to use silicone. Can i use regular silicone or does it have to be aquarium safe. It seems to me that everytime you put aquarium in the name of a product, the price triples.
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    What fish with goldies?

    I here that you can keep zebra danios with goldfish but this doesnt makle sense to me cuz goldfish need a ton of surface aggitation while danios dont like current. What about white clouds.
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    My 10 gallon (suggestions?)

    This is my 10 gal that I redecorated. It has both live and plastic plants. Give me some suggestions on how to make it look nicer. (Dont mind the water colour, its a bit brown because of tetrcycline tablets I had used for medicating)
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    New Neon, PIECE MISSING!

    I just got some more neons from the LFS to make up for the one that died. I bought 2 and the lady threw in an extra one. When I got home I noticed that one of the neons seems to be missing its gill cover. His gills are completely exposed on one side. There isnt any signs of infection yet...
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    Neons lose cololur at night?

    Hi guys, yesterday I bought 2 neons (I know, schoolers, but I wanted to make sure they got along fine in my tank b4 adding a ton of them. Im going out to buy more today) and they seemed to be fine in my tank. I left for a couple of hours and when I came back I found one dead in the plants...
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    Filter working? Does it need to make bubbles for oxygen?

    Ive always had fish that could breath at the waters surface to get oxygen, but now that Ive got a 10 gallon community tank I want to be able to have other fish in it. I have a hang on the back type of filter but the water level is higher than that of the outflow on the filter. Thus, the...
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    Tiny Filter?

    I have a small one gallon tank; its not hex shaped, sorta like a rounded rectangle. Its one of those tanks that comes with those stupid undergravel filters. I hate the damn thing. First off, it doesnt work, AT ALL! and secondly, I hate air pumps, they sound like they are gonna rumble the...
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    I need a fish that:

    1) Can be kept in a community tank. 2) Doesnt get much bigger than 2 inches. 3) Doesnt school....or can work in small schools (I prefered the first). 4) Is colourful, or bold.....none of this white or pasty stuff. 5) Has easy water condition needs. I already have platties so Im thinking...
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    Ghost Shrimp Uncommon???

    I decided that I wanted a few ghost shrimp for my aquarium today but when I checked out the first fish store in town, the workers there had never heard of ghost shrimp, nor had ever carried any shrimp ever. So then I went to the second LFS, and the lady there hadnt heard of them either. When I...
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    Diy undergravel filter? (With Picture)

    I have a 2 gallon bowl that I want to make an undergravel filter for. Ive seen this done before but Im not quite sure how to go about doing this. Any suggestions?
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    Toys/ Air pump

    I have tons of tank toys but im not sure how to attach them to the air pump. ( I assume that is how you get the bubbles inside them) The hose on the toys is much smaller than that on the pump. Is there a special valve I need?
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    Eating Fish?

    I dont know about you guys, but Im quite attatched to my aquarium fish. Sometimes, when having dinner, I find it difficult to eat fish like salmon or trout. Haha. I was wondering how many of you think twice about eating fish now that you have aquariums.
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    Ive only ever had fish that need bowls so Ive never used a filter before. I recently bought a 10 gallon (which I dont know if Ill keep becuase of problems I posted in the hardware forum) and it uses a power filter. Im curious as to how often I need to change the actual filter of my filter. It...
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    New Tank Faulty?

    I just bought a new 10 gallon starter kit from Petcetra. I was assembling the tank today and I noticed that the lid doesnt fit to my satisfaction. There arent any instructions on how to assemble the tank lid so prehaps I have done something wrong....but i dont think so. The Lid has a lip on...
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