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The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. Fishyfanatic

    Reviews are working!

    The Product Reviews section is now working. I did a test run and did not find any bugs. If you encounter any problems, let one of the mods or admins know about the issue.
  2. Fishyfanatic

    Aqua Rank reset! VOTE FOR AA!

    It was reset this morning. Lets get voting!
  3. Fishyfanatic

    It really is amazing

    how large African Cichlid mouths are. I just fed the 150 and was watching them afterwards. This small female that we have was going around gobbling up a lot of food. I found it odd considering she usually eats a piece then is satisfied. After about 15 minutes I see three orange balls float...
  4. Fishyfanatic

    Purchased a couple new fish today

    The African Cichlids have been breeding like crazy and have taken over the 10, 29, one 55, and the 150. It has been at least two years since I have purchased for the 55 Community and today I got the itch. I FINALLY found some Boesemani Rainbows. Our lfs always had them in one of their show...
  5. Fishyfanatic

    Profile Customization

    You can now customize your profile colors. Check out mine for an example. To change the colors of your profile to go User CP. Then Customize Profile (the second link on the left side bar). At the bottom of the "Customize Profile" page you will see a picture. Use the picture as a guide when...
  6. Fishyfanatic

    Well, she's gone

    I searched that 29 gal tank for an hour. My beautiful angel is gone. She is nowhere to be found. It's not like a Tetra that could be hidden somewhere, she is much too big for that. The only other fish in the tank is a candy stripe pleco. She was there last night at feeding time. Today she...
  7. Fishyfanatic

    Visitor Messages

    One of the new features to AA is "Visitor Messages" located in your Profile. Messages posted in Visitor Messages are open to the public. They are not Private Messages to the member. I just wanted to clarify so members did not post personal information that they did not want seen by the public.
  8. Fishyfanatic

    Coconut Huts

    Not exactly technical, but I made coconut huts over the weekend. Here are two that are in the 10 gal fry tank. Hut in winter Hut in summer :lol:
  9. Fishyfanatic

    Planted 29 gal tank

    I have a 29 gal tank that I would like to plant. It has a sand substrate and a twin tube light strip with 34W. What do you recommend that would handle the lighting? I have a ton of Jungle val in my 55 gal tank but I am not sure if it could take that little of lighting.
  10. Fishyfanatic

    Growth on Angels mouth

    1~What type of fish is afflicted? Angel 2~What are your tank parameters (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, temp, pH)? Ammonia/Nitrite = 0. Nitrate barely reading. 3~ How large is the tank? How long has the tank been set up? 29 gal, setup for about 3 years. 4~What type of filtration are you using...
  11. Fishyfanatic

    Finally did a tank overhaul

    I replaced the Visi-Therm Deluxe heater with a Visi-Therm Stealth. Replaced the old loud air pump with a Marineland Air Master. Tossed the Eclipse lights and filter. Added a glass hood, double tube light strip, and an AC70. it's like a whole new tank. The reason for the overhaul is...
  12. Fishyfanatic

    Free plants and snails

    Just pay shipping. I have TONS of Jungle Val that I need to clear out. Also have hundreds of MTS and Ramshorn snails that need a good home. Free, just pay shipping. I think $4.60 is the going rate.
  13. Fishyfanatic

    FS: Jungle Val and snails

    My 55 gal tank is now a forest of Jungle Val. It started with 3 plants that suffered severly due to lack of lighting. A short 8 months, increased lighting (2.7 wpg cf), dosing, and CO2 later the tank is now being over-run. I clip at least 4 inches off of each plant every week. They are...
  14. Fishyfanatic

    Tragedy in Kansas

    In case you have not heard, a powerful tornado ripped through Kansas last night and destroyed a small town. My thoughts and prayers go out to those that were affected by the tornado.
  15. Fishyfanatic

    I've stopped dosing Phosphates

    I had a really bad stint with brush and blue/green algae about a month or two ago. It overran my tank and caused me to have to toss almost all of my plants. I tried to salvage as much as I could but in the end I just tossed all except for one type. It turned out that the phosphates were maxed...
  16. Fishyfanatic

    Gash on Cobalts head

    One of my juvi Cobalts has a big gash on his head. He's missing a nice size chunk of meat and "skin". It's a clean slice so I'm assuming that he was chased into a rock corner and sliced it off. I am going to pull him from the tank today and put him in a QT. What should I use to treat? I was...
  17. Fishyfanatic

    Pseudotropheus Acei Ngara Spawn Log

    Feb 23: Noticed female Ngara holding fry. Not sure on the father but at this point I'm assuming a regular Acei. March 7th: She has a rather large bulge in her mouth. Surprisingly she is not being harassed by any of the other fish. March 9th: Easily removed holding mother from main tank...
  18. Fishyfanatic

    Angel Spawn Tank Log

    This morning when I turned on the lights to the 55 gal tank I noticed the angels hovering near the mag float. Upon closer inspection I found that it is covered in eggs. I'm assuming Angel eggs. There are TONS of eggs and they are a creamish orangish color. What are the chances of these eggs...
  19. Fishyfanatic

    He''s holding

    We purchased an Acei Ngara several months ago. I was told that it was a male. This morning when I turned on the lights to feed the tank I noticed that SHE was holding fry. We don't have a Ngara male in the tank but we do have regular Aceis. We're going to pull her from the tank this evening.
  20. Fishyfanatic

    Malaysian trumpet snails

    I have an abundance of these little guys in my 55 gal tank. If anyone is interested, let me know. Pay the cost of shipping and they are yours.
  21. Fishyfanatic

    How is this possible?

    I set up my CO2 system at the beginning of January. This past week I noticed I was having problems with the CO2 not having a consistant bubble count and then ultimately stopping. This morning I had my husband look at the unit and the tank is empty. Well, the regulator says that it is empty...
  22. Fishyfanatic

    CO2 situation

    I'm having a problem with my CO2 and it is in the process of being fixed. This morning I noticed that the bubble rate was off. It would go at the normal rate then would slow down. Right before I left for work it completly stopped. I unplugged the selanoid then plugged it back in and it...
  23. Fishyfanatic

    Florida Flagfish Aggression

    Tomorrow I am picking up either SAE or Florida Flagfish. The lfs called and they have both in stock. I was doing a little research into the FFF and I read that they are fin nippers towards fish with flowing fins. Are my Angels and HiFin Serpae Tetras in trouble here?
  24. Fishyfanatic

    Name that African

    I have been through every Hap and Peacock profile on cichlid-forum and I can not positively ID this fish. I've found characteristics that are similar, but none that are a dead on match. I've also found MANY fish that I would love to keep. :lol: Can anyone help me ID this guy? I'm sorry...
  25. Fishyfanatic

    What eats Brush Algae?

    Does anything eat Brush Algae? I am trying to get rid of it in my 55 gal tank. It appears that my algae issues are coming to an end. Well, it's not getting any worse. Now it's just time to remove it all. I have Brush Algae all over my plants, driftwood, decor, etc. My snail even has it on...
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