10 Gallon Stocking Help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 1, 2011
Ames, IA
Okay, I'm possibly getting a ten gallon for my room at my dad's apartment. A ten gallon is sadly the only thing that'll fit. Unless I move my bed, or just get rid of it and sleep on the floor. I'd be willing to do that and get an Oscar, but I don't think my dad would agree.

I love bettas, but already have two, and have a third one that I'm going to be getting for a community tank. So I want something else.

I don't care whether it's a single fish, or a centerpiece fish with a school or two of something else. I just need something.

So, any advice is appreciated. If you need any more info, I'll be happy to give you as much as I can at this point. Oh, and I do know about cycling, etc. I already have four tanks. ;)
Well. This is my ten's stocking:
6 neon tetras
2 ADF's
3 ottos
Elvis the betta.

Dwarf gourami's are cool, and if you do sand khuli loaches would work too. Guppies, dwarf cories, and micro fish are also popular, but you'd have to order online.
I want to do sand, it'd be cool, a change from my regular gravel.

I looked at the dwarf gouramis. Maybe...

I already have the guppies in my community, but maybe I could get some males and females. But first see if I could sell them to Earl May, or Dyvigs near me.

But I'd need a grow out tank for the best chances of survival. So maybe not. It could work with lots of hiding.
6 mosquito rasboras or neon tetras(red),
1 powder blue dwarf gourami,
6-pygmy cories or some snails or shrimp or even a couple of adf's
with mine you get different colors and levels
Thanks. I'm trying to think of fish I like that are small enough, but I can't! I am like braindead!!
Just to give you more ideas, my 10g tank has:

6 narrow wedge harlequin rasboras
1 pygmy gourami (will get 2-3 more soon)
10 RCS
4 amano shrimp
1 nerite snail
What about green neon tetras? They are smaller than neons and have a greenish tinge to the blue streak...and then some ghost shrimp or RCS or something...
How about platies? I'm sure if you did 3 females and 1 male, you'd have babies in no time! A clown pleco, and maybe 5 ottos could work with them.
How about a bunch of shrimps ?
If you have some stone or perhaps a cave-style formation, they are amusing to watch as they try and out-manoever each other for the best spot :)
AquaOne said:
How about a bunch of shrimps ?
If you have some stone or perhaps a cave-style formation, they are amusing to watch as they try and out-manoever each other for the best spot :)

I don't want any shrimp. I already have a one gallon planted shrimp tank planned. I want a fish.

So would the platys, ottos, and clown pleco work?
Serpe tetras are really pretty I absolutely love them in my 10 gallon. I have 4 they are very peaceful. Also I really like white skirt and black skirt tetras. If you get some skirts I would only suggest 3 at the most as they get about 2 inches. But they really don't swim much. I have 2 white skirts in my 45 gallon and they don't do much at all but very pretty against neons.

Maybe 2 white skirts and 5 serpe tetras. The contrast would be beautiful.
TraceyB4602 said:
Serpe tetras are really pretty I absolutely love them in my 10 gallon. I have 4 they are very peaceful. Also I really like white skirt and black skirt tetras. If you get some skirts I would only suggest 3 at the most as they get about 2 inches. But they really don't swim much. I have 2 white skirts in my 45 gallon and they don't do much at all but very pretty against neons.

Maybe 2 white skirts and 5 serpe tetras. The contrast would be beautiful.

Sorry, but black skirts are VERY territorial in a ten gallon, I'd only do them in more like a 29. Same with serpaes IMO. You could always give the micro fish a try!
Actually... What about a Betta sorority? I have males and am putting a female in my community, but a sorority would be different from either. So, what exactly do I need to know? I have lots of experience with male bettas, but not females. :D
Joyler said:
I hear they can be aggressive towards eachother...

The female bettas? Yeah, I do know that you need at least six of them to help keep aggression spread out, and I think you need to add them at the same time. Anything else that's really big, that you don't have with males?
What about a breeding pair of dwarf gouramis? Or do they need a bigger tank?
Joyler said:
What about a breeding pair of dwarf gouramis? Or do they need a bigger tank?

Well, I'm pretty decided on the sorority now. I need help with that now.

And I think it's one dwarf gourami if I remember correctly. Because of their size.

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