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i want to attach a mag to it so i dont have to reach in the tank to place it/ get it out. think of a mag float but with a clip attached.
I have a clip that is like that...and I'll be honest I would like it if I actually used it. My fish aren't tangs, so they really don't care. I moved it into the sump to hold cheato and it totally fell apart and died.
yeah i have 2 tangs and im about to get another so the algae sheets are a must. im tired of dripping water all over the front of he dt.
i HATE that! every single day im up to my shoulder in water. but with those aquatic farmer extended grabber i got, it makes it 100x easier to manage the bottom half of the tank
its just the petco 24" grabber. came with the needle nose grabbers and a knife attachment. not the best one but the 2-3 times ive used it in my tank its done its job. really nice part i like is the t-handle.
Is the caulpera effective in your tank? What kind do you grow?
wow didn't even see this until now. im using caulerpa prolifera but its not really fast growing. (atleast for me) but it seems to be holding steady. ive run both a spiral bulb on it, and currently have a 24" dual-bulb t5, but I cant seem to get it to take off.
its been awhile since ive done a tank update, got a 1.4 lb bottle of Phosguard for Christmas, so I decided to fashion up a homemade reactor. I simply used a plastic jug , cut the main hole in the cap for the incoming water, then drilled about 15-17 tiny holes for the outgoing water. its made a noticeably big difference in water quality. at first the water was a bit cloudy but after it cleared up, wow!! almost all of the red slime algae has died off and left a beautiful lighter purple underneath. unfortunately, 2 or 3 of the corals haven't made it. the toadstool came unglued and disappeared, the chalice kept falling so I moved it down into the refugium, but the torch coral, both frags of plays, the xenias, and the other one is doing good. one of the most amaing aspects of marine life is that we were looking closely at the tank yesterday and noticed that at some point over the past month, a frag of zoas must have fell and gotten stuck in between 2 rocks...but its growing! I wanted to move it back but why even bother? going to get some pics up of the tank.
That is a really neat way to run that phosguard. I never would have thought that one up. I still have some cyano creeping on the non mp40 side of the tank. Thoughts on kicking up to a sps yet?
it didn't cost me anything but the cost of the bottle. had the pump, tubing and phosguard here. as for moving to SPS, the misses and I have decided that we are aiming for a mainly LPS tank with some SPS tossed in. even then, the SPS are going to be last into the tank because I don't feel im quite ready for SPS yet in terms of water quality, flowrate, and husbandry skills. getting there slowly.
it didn't cost me anything but the cost of the bottle. had the pump, tubing and phosguard here. as for moving to SPS, the misses and I have decided that we are aiming for a mainly LPS tank with some SPS tossed in. even then, the SPS are going to be last into the tank because I don't feel im quite ready for SPS yet in terms of water quality, flowrate, and husbandry skills. getting there slowly.

That's the way to proceed without killing a bunch of corals. You will get this figured out, then watching your SPS growing will be the reward. Good post.
On you plastic jug how big is it? ie: gallon, 1/2 gallon? And how much phosguard are you running in it?
uploading photos now to share. and to Greg, thank you for the kind words. lost enough in the past 2 years with fish, don't need to add corals to that list as well.
one of the two paly frags, and the torch coral. the corals don't have their typical bright coloration due to the lighting but that's going to change by the end of this month.

cannot for the life of me remember this corals name, as with the others, its lost its neon coloration, however this one has easily doubled in side.

EPAZ, heres the bottle (yes its a crappy photo, new camera that we aren't used to yet. notice the holes in the lid?)
anddd then theres the Shrimp... slowly starting to come out more and more. Its funny to watch how he is friends with certain fish but theres others that he cant stand.

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