20 Gal Planted build

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My goodness...your tank is GORGEOUS!! Seriously beautiful. Job well done. I hope to one day have a tank half as nice!
Hay coleallensmom! I can't stop staring at the pictures of your tank! Absolutely magnificent!!
Coleallensmom said:
Thank you! My fish are in LOVE with the twigs..since I added them to the scape, they've only been swimming in that part of the tank. It's quite amusing to watch!

Hey there again, what kind of twigs are they? And again, loving the tank!
Thanks guys!

@andresdeo- They were old trimmings off of limbs from a (pesticide-free) apple tree that we planted in our backyard a few years ago. They seemingly are like a new toy to the fish who are enjoying having something new to swim around. I wouldn't be suprised if I eventually have to replace them with new ones, but for now they are working out well.
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Thought I'd update. Everything still pretty much the same since the new scape with exception of the pennywort..it's growing like a weed in the tank and has already reached the water's surface. New pic:

Very nice! I love the apple sticks, and it looks like your fish do too!
Just wont grown in that gravel. Check out the thread "MY AQUASCAPE" in this forum. I just posted it. I'm using Aquascoil Amazonia II and in just 3 weeks its carpeted nicely
Just wont grown in that gravel. Check out the thread "MY AQUASCAPE" in this forum. I just posted it. I'm using Aquascoil Amazonia II and in just 3 weeks its carpeted nicely

Not sure what you're talking about? I actually just rescaped about 1.5 weeks ago because the plants in this tank were growing TOO well. I think I threw a lb of rotala away. lol :lol:
Very nice! Is the foreground plant blyxa? That is what I am trying to achieve with my 125g. Cover all the empty spots with blyxa. It's propagating fast. Just not fast enough for me. Lol. Great tank :D
I believe they are micro swords, not blyxa. I'm sure she can chime in though.
Very nice! Is the foreground plant blyxa? That is what I am trying to achieve with my 125g. Cover all the empty spots with blyxa. It's propagating fast. Just not fast enough for me. Lol. Great tank :D

Thanks. :) I moved this tank to a new location when I rescaped and now I am really wishing I had painted the back before setup. For some reason the new spot gets a little more light. You can see the wall behind the tank which makes the water look slightly cloudy even though it isn't. Gonna have to figure something out..
looking good as usual dear...

I do want your expertise on my dilemma...

I finally got a deal from craigslist: a 20 gal long with only a 25W heater and a net (I know :)) for $15. It was like new. Although it was a sump to a saltwater before, but it is cleaned very good before I got it.

So here's my thing, I am looking in getting the lighting. What do you recommend? I highly value your opinion since your tank is so gorgeous and I wanted to come as close to it...hopefully. LOL...
You are really getting good coleallensmom! I'm getting jealous and I wish I am going to have as much success in my tank as you did in yours! I'm more fully green with envy than with plants! :D
You are really getting good coleallensmom! I'm getting jealous and I wish I am going to have as much success in my tank as you did in yours! I'm more fully green with envy than with plants! :D

*ha!* Thank you..although I never seem to be quite satisfied with my scapes. I'm always changing something- especially with this tank. I have issues! :rolleyes:;)
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