40g Breeder Rescape and clean up effort

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Algae Fighter
May 30, 2006
Birmingham, AL
Rescaped my 40br because I wasn't happy with how it had grown in and because the algae was out of control. I still have some algae to take care of, but its much improved from a few days ago.


Hopefully when the plants get taller they will hide most of my equipment. Hoping for a nice Blyxa lawn on the right side and a foreground of Marsilea minuta. :) I may end up adding another green plant because I feel like I have alot of red/pink.

Closeup of the pile


Rotala H'ra
Anubias Nana and petite
Rotala macrandra 'green'
Marsilea minuta
Blyxa japonica
Vallisneria nana
Rotala vietnam
Limnophila aromatica
Hygrophila sp. 'bold' (I think)
Cryptocoryne willisii
Hygrophila odora - aka 'guinea'

Danio choprae
Ember tetras
Rummynose tetras
Sundadanio axelrodi
Corydoras habrosus and pygmaeus
Apisto nijsseni female

Lighting: 4x39w T5HO fixture (all 4 bulbs only on for 2-3 hours, then 2 bulbs on for 4 hours)
Co2: pressurized co2 with glass diffuser
Your tanks always look great, even right after a rescape. That is some really neat driftwood. You also have some really great not-so-common plants in there. Very nice!
Thanks! I have a ton of manzanita so I had plenty to choose from. I added more than I had in there before. I'm hoping when it fills in, the driftwood won't disappear.

Fort: now in my planted tank hobby I have moved to the less common plants. Still wanting to get more less common ones, but that will only feed my collectoritis...haha.

Thanks for not noticing the horrific algae still in there. I got lazy and didn't clean my equipment after the rearrange. :rolleyes:
Time for some eriocaulon then... :p

It kicked my butt... but I will try again some time.
It hasn't grown much at all in 4 days...but I did add some Red Cabomba to the back left corner. :)

I'm on the look out for atleast one more plant I want to add...so hopefully I'll find some for sale soon...plus some others I'd like to try. And I will have more Marsilea for the foreground when I redo my 20 long. :rolleyes:

Now for pics!



I will have to take some pics next week and work on getting sharper pics. Only 2 bulbs were on today when I took the pics, plus I was in a hurry. My photo skills need some work!
New pics:

I had just done a water change, so you can see the bubbles. Its not cloudy. :)

I added some Rotala wallichi.....bought too much for the 20L so I put the leftovers in here. I also added a lot more Marsilea to the foreground. It had spread a little, but most of the "growth" is the additional nodes that I planted.

Saw this guy out yesterday. I always wonder if its still alive because I rarely see it. But he/she is alive and kicking. :)

Still fighting some algae on the glass and substrate. But the plants all look good and I should be able to trim and sell some in a couple weeks.
New FTS:

Excuse the floating plants (to sell) and the algae on the substrate (its a losing battle). :)

Added some new plants (over to the right) a couple weeks ago. They were in the mail a little longer than they should have been and looked really droopy when they got to me. Hopefully they will recover and I can move them to a more permanent spot. Fish are all doing well and I still see Mr. Amano from time to time.
Thanks! I wish I could get a good pic of my Choprae...they are such pretty fish! They are just too fast for me.
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Looks great. What kind of shrimp is that on the 2nd to the last pic?
JustOneMore20 said:

You mean the shrimp on the 1st page....last pic on that page? The only up close shrimp pic is of an Amano Shrimp. Just making sure you aren't talking about another pic.

Yup, the close up shot of a shrimp. It's on the 2nd to the last pic on the app. Looks nice. I didn't know amanos has some red spots. All of your tanks are awesome. Where do you buy your DW?

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