40g planted

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I have used around 6 or 7 bags of eco in various different tanks and have noticed most (not all) of them clowding up quite a bit. I have always found this annoying. After the settling and water changing It hasn't continued to be a problem. I thought it was normal. Luck of the draw I guess.
Opinions about Multi-Purpose plant food supp. and Flora Root

I just purchased the Big Al's brand multi purpose plant food supplement and 200 grams of Red Sea Flora Root substrate enricher. Has anybody had any experience with either of these? I guess you just mix in the FLora Root into the substrate where your plants are. What is up with the mutli purpose plant food supplement and the Flora Root substrate enrichment? Do they work? Pros and Cons?
new plants/fish

I just bought some new fish and new plants. any recomendations on what kind of subtrate i need for anarchis and java fern?
Java fern actually does better if you tie it down (i.e. with thread) on to rocks or driftwood. After it has sent out roots and anchored itself you can then cut and remove the thread. Anachris isn't demanding and could even be left floating in the aquarium if you want to. If you decide you want to add some more plants probably the best substrate is Eco-Complete. I haven't used it yet but plan to on my next tank.
gfink said:
I've got a bag enroute to me now for my new 10g planted. I'll try to remember and post my findings.

My bag from www.drfostersmith.com came and I poured it in. It was definately muddy, but it settled down after a few hours. (I only have 3" of water in right now, and no circulation...still setting up.)

The bag had pretty clear water. The ones I've seen at the stores have a little milky look to them...I think they are really old because 99% of people don't even know what it is and it sits there for months.

FYI...a 20lb bag only filled my 10 gal about 1.25 inches if anyone is planning on ordering some in the future.
FYI...a 20lb bag only filled my 10 gal about 1.25 inches if anyone is planning on ordering some in the future.

That's strange. With one bag of eco-complete, my 10 gal (20"X10") filled up to 2".
gheitman said:
Java fern actually does better if you tie it down (i.e. with thread) on to rocks or driftwood. After it has sent out roots and anchored itself you can then cut and remove the thread. Anachris isn't demanding and could even be left floating in the aquarium if you want to. If you decide you want to add some more plants probably the best substrate is Eco-Complete. I haven't used it yet but plan to on my next tank.

i dont understand the rock and driftwood thing, doesnt really make sense..
the eco-complete..is it at walmart or what?
I even weighed it before I put it in. However, I did notice when looking at several bags of it that some was more coarse than others. It could be that mine is fairly fine and packs more tightly.
so i decided that i could add some pics for a visual of my tank.


full tank view

blue dwarf gourami

neon tetra's
Update: Added more water to the tank and it is a muddy mess. After 6 hours or so, it is settling out a bit, and there is really fine brown (not black) dust all over the surface. Doesn't look at all like the solid black grains you see in picts.

Now, the bag says it will stratify into layers...small granuals on the bottom...eventually. I am going to help it a bit by gently stirring it up.

:lol: whoo hooo mud :lol:

But is does look better after stirring it up again. I think I'll repeat a few more times.
i dont understand the rock and driftwood thing, doesnt really make sense..

What Gene means is that you take some thread, preferably black, tie it around the roots and either the rocks or the driftwood to secure it and keep it from floating.

The roots will continue to grow out and become anchored either to the rock, driftwood or substrate. You can then remove the thread.
HELP! Trying to decorate 70 Gallon Tall Tank

Hey everybody,

My wife and I are trying to decorate her 70 Gallon tall tank. We decided to change things and nothing is looking good. If anyone out there has a tall tank that is decorated we would love to see some pics.

We have low light plants in the tank, but it is hard to get anything to cover the height of the tank, about 30 inches.

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, we would love to hear them.

The tank is home to some rainbows, cory cats, swordtails and guppies. We will soon be removing the guppies and adding 2 angels that are in quarantine right now.

If you can get low light cobomba and line the back wall of the tank... mine grows like crazy and im sure it would clear the top of the tank
See if you can get a long piece of driftwood that will stand upright like a tree stump. You could attach Java fern and Java moss to its entire length/height. I'll dig up a pic of my driftwood and post it when I get home.
xIHaKIx said:
Lol need to clean your tank buddy :) those stains and water stains on the glass, not cool.

xIHaKIx, If you can't post something constructive, don't post at all.

Shannon, the tank looks great. (y)
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