5g Betta Tank

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It is a sort of fin rot. They call that curling on bettas, and it's from not clean enough water. :(
Their fins should be straight LM, in a fan shape, without the curls.
:( I don't know how. I do weekly 40-50% pwcs along with my other tanks. And to think 24 hours ago I thought this was normal.
Oh I thought it was anything less than 5g. Btw the title definitely says 5g lol. Once I get this treated I'll definitely do 2 pwcs per week.
It is a sort of fin rot. They call that curling on bettas, and it's from not clean enough water. :(
Their fins should be straight LM, in a fan shape, without the curls.

Mine has a little bit of curlage on his bottom fins. He wouldn't open up for me in the mirror yet, but he seems a lot better in the tank.,
Clean water and he will come around!
I was just reading last night that some bettas have some genetic thing that makes their tails curly.
I actually think that A1's bettas fins look cool, but it's not normal.
yeah I know, I'll do another pwc tomorrow and add a tblspoon to make up and boost it up to that 1 tsp per gallon (thanks to taylorodw for doin the math haha). So I should only do salt for 10 days?
A tablespoon???? Thats wayyy too much, and I hope that was just a typo. :(
No more than 10 days, or their kidneys start to get messed up.
did a pwc and I'm dissolving the salt. I'm guessing on the eighth day I should remove like 80% and maybe a 50% on the 9th and then another 80% on the 10th day so I can get rid of all the salt?
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