65 gallon build

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ah ok... really looked like an SAE... even has the black going all the way to the tip of the tail. I was excited :)
yup ok, I was way off. It really looked like an SAE in that other photo though :)
haha yea i took another look at it and i could tell where you are coming from, i wouldnt mind a few SAE in there but there i havent found any around here.
they can be tricky to find... but I would highly recommend 'em if you see them (as if you couldn't tell). Just make sure you are getting true SAEs... there are about 3 species that all look similar. The tell tale sign of a true SAE is the black strip goes all the way to the tip of the tail... it doesn't stop at the fin.
allright, i will have a look for these guys when im at the store. also what kinds of ferts do you recommend im starting to think with all this light i will have to be dosing some...
oh yeah... you have like 200W or close to it dont you?

for a 65gal I think you should just start off with dry ferts. I am on a PPS Pro dosing regime kick at the moment. Do you have any cash available? You could buy 20 dollars worth of ferts, and build some autodosers for about $80 MAX (I coulda probably done it cheaper).

I think with your light, you are going to have to dose:

I also think you need to get some CO2 going. Otherwise with that light, it isn't going to take long for algae to get the upper hand....
yes the algea isnt bad but it was before i got my pleco he is very busy lol, i have a small diy co2 on there now i dont know how much good it is doing, i could build bigger diy i have the materials and i will be setting up a canister filter with the co2 going into that i heard that is a good way to diffuse the bubbles, i have some cash and dont mind spending a bit on dry ferts, but im thinking of putting some away for pressurized co2 down the road.
DIY on that big of a tank could be trouble. IMO it is better to have no CO2 injection rather than low levels of unstable CO2 injection. I think unstable levels between say 10-20ppm can really encourage and lead to the growth of the dreaded BBA... which can be a major pain to treat once it is there (in my experience). I would look at dry ferts now and manually dose either target dosing or EI (or pps pro if you think you can make it a point to dose every day). The pressurized CO2 is more important than the autodosers at this point.
crypts, cobamba, swords, vals, that one plant i cant get the name of.

Then i want to add java moss, anubias, and then a few forground plants not sure yet.
excel is out unfortunately, unless you take out the vals. It would be fine with everything else... including pretty much any foreground plant you choose. But I would wait on CO2 before you attempt any high light foregrounds... microsword, HC, glosso, hairgrass, etc. You could give em' a try... but I would worry about algae on the small foreground leaves without some serious co2 crankin.
allright, im looking online for a co2 set up that could use paintball cylinders any ones you have seen that would work?
ugggh... would recommend against those. It costs the same to fill a 5lb co2 tank as a 20 oz paintball co2 tank. And you will have to change it much more frequently... I would say once a month or more on a 65. It is almost the same price to just go large... my 2 cents.
algea question. so with all my light i used to have to clean algea every water change (bout once a week) so now i have a little bit of co2 in there and a small pleco and i have barely any algea, any thoughts? havent cleaned algea in 2 weeks and i only have a few tiny spots here and there.
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