Agressive freshwater?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 4, 2012
I'm starting a 55 gal freshwater aquarium and started thinking I want an aggressive tank to watch and feed live food.

What kind of large aggressive fish could I put in a 55 gallon?

I will keep the fish on a hardy frozen food diet. But for treats would like to feed them guppies that I will breed.

Any suggestions on stocking list for the big predators?
Would those eat full sized guppies an be okay in a 55? :) could I have more than 1 fish? More than 1 species?
Also is there another name for a leaf fish? I can't find it on live aquaria.
You can do jack demp's, Oscar's just about any South America or new world cichlid, minus the dwarf's. watch the size as some get very large an a 55 would just be a grow out tank for some of them.
I really wanted to do a tiger Oscar but also was hoping to do 2 fish so I was looking for other options. Would I tiger Oscar get too big for a 55?

What would be a good option for if I wanted 2 fish in there? I'm looking for good personality.
How many jack Dempseys could I put in a 55? I'm thinking that may be my future fish :)
Leopard Ctenopoma is really neat, though I am not sure if the size of it's mouth would allow full grown guppies. Perhaps once it reaches it's full size of 6 inches it could handle slightly older but I'm not too sure.

I'm not sure if 50 would be enough for a pair but I would suggest looking into the Texis Cichlid. They do get large, like a foot.
Okay. I'll keep those in mind. Jack Dempseys look pretty good. :) can anyone tell me more about them than what live aquaria says?
Awesome thanks :) and just to absolutely make sure before I start making the plan set in stone.

They will eat guppies? What other fish could I breed to feed them? Neon tetras?

I have an empty 29 gallon that I'm gonna use to breed the fish.
Khij159753 said:
Awesome thanks :) and just to absolutely make sure before I start making the plan set in stone.

They will eat guppies? What other fish could I breed to feed them? Neon tetras?

I have an empty 29 gallon that I'm gonna use to breed the fish.

I'd just do guppies. You'll need a growout tank too. Also, crayfish would be nice, or convicts(separate tanks).
Honestly i wouldnt do 2 jack dempseys in a 55. I got a female jack and it almost killed my oscar. If u want something cool and aggresive do a pike cichlid, sengal bichir, some sort of catfish or a black ghost knife
BozziniINC said:
Honestly i wouldnt do 2 jack dempseys in a 55. I got a female jack and it almost killed my oscar. If u want something cool and aggresive do a pike cichlid, sengal bichir, some sort of catfish or a black ghost knife

BGKs need much bigger tanks
Okay. I'll just do guppies. I have a few smaller tanks for grow out tanks :) do I need to worry about inbreeding?

As for the aggressive fish I wanna do 2 jack Dempseys or 1 tiger Oscar. Which would you guys prefer?
i know you want jd's or an oscar,but i strongly suggest you look into leopard ctenopoma(as others have suggested)and smaller species of bichirs(senegalus springs to mind, common name being dinosaur bichir)
My dad used to keep 2 JD's and 2 Oscars in the same tank, I believe it was a 30. But he never let them get over 6 inches.........then he went over sea's for 1991 desert storm and one of his buddies had their girlfriend feed the fish for the 7 or 8 months they were gone. But she over fed them, WAY over fed them and when they finally got back the fish were HUGE! and were donated to a pet shortly there after.
alLexX said:
i know you want jd's or an oscar,but i strongly suggest you look into leopard ctenopoma(as others have suggested)and smaller species of bichirs(senegalus springs to mind, common name being dinosaur bichir)

Could I get a leopard ctenopoma and still feed it guppies?
Can someone please give me a list?
Say the species name and how many I could put in the 55.
The rules are it must be able to live in a 55 for it's entire life and must be able to eat guppies as a treat.

Format it like this:
Species name, #allowed

Thank you very much for anyone who can do this for me.

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