Algae eater options

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 14, 2005
Wichita Ks.
I was just wondering if anyone knows of different fish, or invertibrates, that consume algae. It needs to get big enough so as to not get eaten by my bichers, or datnoid. I thought about plecos, but I have heard that they will suck on the side of my bichers. TIA
I have had birchirs and plecos togethers without problems, but I guess it could happen.
yeah, I have heard both good and bad about mixing the two, I just wanted to know if there were any other creatures that could survive in with them that will reduce the amount of algae cleaning needed. I was thinking a sydontis catfish, but I wouyld liketo hear a few other options.
i would go with a pleco, he did wonders on my 75 gallon fw
I almost started a new post about this same thing!

Lately, I've noticed some brown algae starting up on my gravel and rocks and as of now, don't have anything to feast on it! I planned on getting some otos, but now I'm wondering about otos AND a pleco - off to check out that link. . .
most are good algae eaters but some seem to prefer the slime coat on fish to algae. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to distinguish the "attack otos" from normal otos.

Wha? I've never seen anything like this - 'attack otos'? LMAO. . . can anyone confirm/deny this?

I'm planning on picking some otos up on my way home tonight - they've a feast awaiting them! :p
the otos probably only attack if there isnt enough food or they're in heat. mine love algae wafers and bloodworms even more than brown algae :p
I'd go with a pleco, as far as I know only the common plecos are known to gain appetites for fish slime coats. There are many varieties of plecos to choose from.
I have an Ancistrus along with three Otos in my 30 gallon tank and they do just fine together. The Ancistrus cleans the bottom of the tank and the glass while the Otos concentrate on the glass and the plant leaves.
get a pleco because of the several different options in kinds and they are just all around cool and fun to watch

they also stick to the glass

but they sometimes tend to hide in shells and dont come out for a long time so empty out deep crevaces and they should stay visible

one more thing___________they do a good job cleaning your tank too!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaxom_Ruatha said:
I'd go with a pleco, as far as I know only the common plecos are known to gain appetites for fish slime coats. There are many varieties of plecos to choose from.

I had never heard that. I have one in my tank. Am I in trouble?
e burna said:
Jaxom_Ruatha said:
I'd go with a pleco, as far as I know only the common plecos are known to gain appetites for fish slime coats. There are many varieties of plecos to choose from.

I had never heard that. I have one in my tank. Am I in trouble?

cichlid555 said:
get a pleco because of the several different options in kinds and they are just all around cool and fun to watch

they also stick to the glass

but they sometimes tend to hide in shells and dont come out for a long time so empty out deep crevaces and they should stay visible

one more thing___________they do a good job cleaning your tank too!!!!!!!!!!!

Plecos are great fish but I don't think they are especially good for getting rid of algea. Your best bet for controling algea is making sure you don't have excess sunlight and food, and putting on a UV if you can. Most "algea eater" fish are pretty inneffective IMO.
yeah thats true to much light can cause a good aquarium to produce algae allthough i have found that leaving the light off will only help if you leave it off for more than a day!!!!!!!!!!!
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