am I overstocked

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 17, 2013
I have a 37 gal tank holding 3 platies, 5 neons, 5 phantom tetras, and 6 guppies.I have led lights and two low light live plants. Was wondering if there's a small algae eater that I can use. I change 10gal of water every week. I am running fluval 206 and an ex45 hob. I am currently using safestart plus and microbe lift special blend in my water changes


  • ForumRunner_20130408_204939.jpg
    64.4 KB · Views: 63
with the filtration capacity you have i think maybe a bristlenose pleco would be ok just keep up with the water changes, and maybe pump it up to 15 gallons a week.
How big do they get and how aggressive are they I don't have a lot of algae but I am starting to notice some on the glass that I clean with manets and some on my decorations. most is green some a little brownish. The tank is far away from sunlight and I turn on the white leds in the morn and blue at night.
with the filtration capacity you have i think maybe a bristlenose pleco would be ok just keep up with the water changes, and maybe pump it up to 15 gallons a week.
I wouldn't get a pleco just for algae. Just regulate you're lighting time. Plecos produce a lot of waste, witch is only gonna make it harder for you. Its a lot easier to remove manually the algae to to vacuum and water change more often. But as he asked you did also bring up a good choice since its smaller:)
How big do they get and how aggressive are they I don't have a lot of algae but I am starting to notice some on the glass that I clean with manets and some on my decorations. most is green some a little brownish. The tank is far away from sunlight and I turn on the white leds in the morn and blue at night.

I have personally found that the cheap (under $200) LED lights do encourage algae- esp black hairy algae. It hasn't stopped me using them on a couple of my tanks, I just don't run them as long, and I bought Siamese algae eaters to clean up. Both of those tanks have bristlenose in them, but they were no help at all! You have to love BNs - otherwise you'll find they've doubled your workload and failed at the task you set them. I do love them though! Especially the boys, with their bushy little faces.....
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