Ammonia at 0.50!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 21, 2017
So I started my tank like 5 days ago and I just checked my ammonia and it's really high.. I don't have fish but I have plants. I am planning planning on a water change on the 7th day(25%)
Water changes are the only way to lower ammonia in an uncycled tank. But if you only have plants and no fish or other critters then you shouldn't need to worry about it-- your tank needs ammonia to cycle and the ammonia shouldn't hurt the plants. I suggest reading up on fishless cycling. ?
Thank u ! I was wondering why my plants were all perfect and nitrate and nitrite are at 0 at 7.4 ..I guess the ammonia is high because it's a new tank ..I was about to use the API Ammo lock but I'll just do water changes
Thank u ! I was wondering why my plants were all perfect and nitrate and nitrite are at 0 at 7.4 ..I guess the ammonia is high because it's a new tank ..I was about to use the API Ammo lock but I'll just do water changes
If you have no source of ammonia (you've never had fish in the tank and you haven't added ammonia) then your tap water may be the source, in which case water changes won't help get it below whatever the source water has. Not a problem for just plants, though.

Edit: On second thought, root tabs and some planted tank substrates also can leach ammonia when they are brand new, but again this isn't a problem with just plants.
Do you use a conditioner? What type is it? Honestly whenever I've had problems with ammonia I've just done water changes to get it down and I would recommend the same for you. No need to worry though, you don't have fish in the tank and the plants should be fine for now
I wish I read those articles earlier ...thank u ! For the information ..I'll let the tank be for a month so it can cycle...I'll try to be patient
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