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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 4, 2013
I'm considering using the pellets sold by aquarium The "Total" pellets supposedly contain all micro and macro nutrients. I'm currently dosing PPS pro with seachem root tabs. Plants are amazon swords, Anubias... soon to be adding Brazilian pennywort, red tiger lotus. Dosing all ferts in pellet form seems ideal for keeping excess nutrients out of the water column... which would help fight algae?? Does anybody have experience using these? Should I still dose liquid ferts along with the pellets?

26 gallon bowfront
current satellite+ led
DIY co2
6 neon tetras
5 long fin danios
2 balloon mollies
would there be any benefit over pps pro and regular root tabs? or should they be used along with pps? I like the idea of only replacing every month vs daily dosing. but I don't want switch if pps is the better method.
You use BOTH. Root feeders like Crypts and Swords need root tabs while stem plants, mosses and ferns benefit from the daily PPS Pro ferts that are in the water column. OS.
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