Baby Ottos, So cute!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 3, 2003
Florida, USA
I went to the LFS today, they had ottos in [ I say they were between 1/2 to a full inch in size ]

I got four of them, And I guess there were some spawning in the tank, because unbeknownst to the LFS attendant, I got two babies in the bag as well.

Itty bitty little guys, just maybe a eighth of an inch or so. Adorable!
Good luck with those, William. I didn't fare so well with the young otos I bought (although it may have been the species--they were definitely a different color than the other otos I have).

Bought four, all died within four days. :( Never had any problems with the bigger otos I had bought previously from the same store.

After that, I stuck with only bigger otos.

Hope yours do better than mine!
I am sure they are adorable, because even full grown ones are cute, to me! Good luck, and let us know how they do.
Well, I can't find him since I put him in the tank, he was that small.

He basicly looked just like a regular otto, only ultra super teeny tiny small.

Of course, he had GIANT eyes, tho.

So... cute.. 8O
I found my baby ottos hard to keep, they didn't live long :( . I haven't been able to find anymore, but would love to. Wouldn't mind being able to breed them too, but would have to be able to sex them :D .
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