Beneficial Bacteria drying up?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 4, 2011
I am buying cycled gravel from my lfs. Do i have to keep it moist? does the bacteria die if it dries up?
Yes, it has to be kept moist. The bacteria will die. Also, do not use straight tap water, the chlorine will kill the bacteria.

How long from the time you get it to the time you're putting it in the tank? I ask because the bacteria also need oxygen.
IME and IMO live substrates aren't. The bagged stuff is just wet substrate with what would be equivalent to what you would find in a bottle of bacteria additive. Even in an established aquarium effectively all the bacteria will be in the filter, not the substrate.

Yes, I know, every surface in the tank can harbor bacteria. But they will live where the conditions are best. In our tanks temp doesn't vary, so it comes down to availability of food and oxygen. Both of these are highest in the filter because of the flow. Yes, I know, the glass, decor, and substrate are not sterile, but effectively all the bacteria are in the filter media, not the substrate.

The same bacteria that are needed to cycle a tank are free in the air, no need to pay for 'live' substrate.
They werent selling the substrate. I got a 5 pound bag. Do i dump it all in? or do i add 1 handful every 3 days or so?
What did you buy? Your original post said you are buying cycled gravel (which is either bagged wet sand or from their tanks) and now say they weren't selling substrate. Substrate is whatever is on the bottom of the tank (sand, gravel, soil, leaf litter, nothing, etc.).
Yea they werent selling the cycled subtrate. I bought brand new packaged substrate.
Okay, I see. Just put it in. It is basically wet gravel with a squirt of something equivalent to stress zyme or the like.
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