Betta Care Sheets**Fluent Spanish speakers Needed*

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 6, 2005
Fargo, ND
Im going to try and hand out a betta care sheet to my local wal-marts, petsmarts, and other stores that carry bettas, to see if they would hand them out to the customers who Buy betta fish.
ive been using as a reference,aswell as a book that I own, but I was wondering what else I was missing.
I know I have alot missing, but so far this is what I have typed up.

Care tips for Mr. Or Mrs. Betta.

If you are going to buy me, please have a proper place for me to live when you take me home. IE - You can keep me in a one gallon jar, but I would be a lot happier in Jars, or tanks, around 5 gallons, but bigger is always better. Make sure that when I get home my home is cycled and ready for me to move in when I get there.

Please take me home as soon as you buy me, in my container the water temperature can change fast, and will stress me out.

Please don’t keep me with another betta. If you keep me with another Male betta, we won’t get along and will fight no matter how big the tank is, and if you keep me with a female betta, we might spawn, but on our off days we will fight all the same.

If I am being kept in anything less then one gallon, I must have DAILY water changes, so that I won’t get sick because of the toxicity of my water. I produce waste just like any other organism, when I digest food, my urine and other such wastes create Ammonia which is extremely harmful me, which is why I need frequent water changes in small homes, so that the water stays healthy for me. Also, Make sure that if you are using tap or drinking water, that you use one of the many cheap, and safe products that take out harmful chemicals such as chlorine. These products are cheap, and may be found in pet departments, or pet stores.

When you take me home, make sure to acclimate me.
To acclimate me, float my container or bag inside my new home for thirty minutes, so that I can get used to my new homes water temperature. Once that is done, slowly add a small bit of water into my container or bag, but make sure the container still has enough air so that it still floats. If my bag starts to get too full pour a little bit of the water out. Float me back inside my home for thirty more minutes, at this point you can repeat the process, or you can carefully net me out, and release me into my new home.

Im not finished yet, and am continueing to type such up as I also type this (( Dont ask how.. Just know that I am )) :lol:

Also is there anyone who is fluent in spanish that may be able to translate this for me?
Its a very good idea.. I would like to give you a little tip from college ENG 101...
Learn to write for your audience... If your aduance needs to learn how to properly care for a betta they will also need to be learn what cycling is...
You did explain acclimantion and toxicity (y) .. you will do well to also define cycling..
It seems to well on its way to being a very good guide though... Good Work (y)

You can start with googles translator and then have someone fluent edit it for you... :p ......copy and paste your text into the Translate text: box and then select English to Spanish... Ill add a little of your text as an example..

Extremidades del cuidado para Sr. o señora Betta.
si usted va a comprarme, tienen por favor un lugar apropiado para que viva cuando usted me toma el hogar. IE - usted puede mantenerme un tarro de un galón, pero sería mucho más feliz en tarros, o tanques, alrededor 5 galones, pero más grande es siempre mejor. Cerciórese de que cuando consigo casero mi hogar esté completado un ciclo y alístelo para que se mueva adentro cuando consigo allí.
I can sometimes be housed in a community aquarium, but make sure that there are no other bettas, and that the other inhabitants there wont bother me. IE - Some fish, Like Skirted tetras, and barbs, may try to pick at me because of my beautiful fins. Sometimes, I might mistake another fish for another betta, or I just may not be nice at all, and must be immediatly separated into my own home or taken back to the store.

Edited this para
If I am being kept in anything less then one gallon, I must have DAILY water changes, so that I won’t get sick because of the toxicity of my water. I produce waste just like any other organism, when I digest their food, my urine and other such wastes create Ammonia which is extremely harmful me, which is why I need frequent water changes in small homes, so that the water stays healthy for me. Also, Make sure that if you are using tap or drinking water, that you use one of the many cheap, and safe products that take out harmful chemicals such as chlorine. These products are cheap, and may be found in pet departments, or pet stores. Use one of these products every time you do a water change, or add water to my home, so that my water stays safe. Also, do make sure that the water you add to my home is treated, as well as the same temperature as the water you took out, so that it doesn't stress me out.

Please make sure that my home is in a suitable environment. IE - If you have my home in sunlight it might make the temperature change, and stress me out, as well as cause unsightly algae growth. Also, do not keep me near cold air vents, or places that become drafty.

Please feed me every day, but no more then what I can eat in five minutes because leftovers will pollute my home, and make it unhealthy for me. IE - If you feed me too much, its okay to skip a day, but make sure to feed me the following day as I am very hungry.

Just because I’m a fish, doesn’t mean I don’t like variety in my diet, and for the record, fish flakes are nasty to me.
I love freeze dried blood worms, and brine shrimp, as well as other live foods. If you decide to feed me live foods, make sure that it is safe for me to eat, and that it is cleaned and alive for my consumption. If I do not eat it, or it drops to the bottom, make sure to take it out so that it won’t pollute my home.

Make sure that my home has a top, or hood of some sort, because I like to jump out of my home. IE- I will sometimes jump out of my home, if you find me on the floor, I may still be alive because I am a special fish that can breathe out of water, using a special organ I have, called the Labrynth organ. This doesn’t mean that I like being out of water though!! However, if you do find me out of water, and I don’t look like a potato chip already, then carefully scoop me up and put me back into my home, to make sure that I am for certain, a goner. If I have plunged to my demise, you may burry me, if not.. well I’m still alive! Yay me!

Still going, and im going to play around with the order once I have everything done.
i volunteer to translate that for you once youre finished writing it...if you use the translators online things dont come up really good and you end up with a lot of sentences which dont make any whenever youre ready...i am... :mrgreen:
Be careful what you feed me. IE - If you decide to get some nice juicy brown worms from your garden, take into consideration if the nearby areas have been sprayed with pesticides or chemicals. As they will harm me if I eat the worm, even if you clean him on the outside. Its better safe then sorry.

I am a tropical fish! I come from a place where my water is usually 80 degrees, therefore, I do appreciate warmer water. Please keep me in water that has a stable temperature, of 75-82 degrees. If my home is too small for a heater, perhaps you should consider getting me a bigger home, or find a place that is warmer for my home to move to.

At night, I sometimes slip into my pajamas. IE - If you turn on the lights, and I’m not moving around as much, and I look a little pale, its because I’m not yet out of my pajamas, and I am still a bit sleepy. Give me a little bit of time to brighten up, and get active.

i volunteer to translate that for you once youre finished writing it...if you use the translators online things dont come up really good and you end up with a lot of sentences which dont make any whenever youre ready...i am...

Thank you thank you THANK YOU!
And yeah.. One time in my french class, my friend used a online translator, to do his homework.. It asked what his favorite article of clothing was.
I think he meant to say, my boxers, pants, or something I dont know, But he accidently wrote down " Your panties " in french 8O
A big mess that caused.. and tons of laughs for us
thats why I said get someone fluent to edit it.. Im quite aware of how it screws up sentences.. try to translate russian into english (alavistas does that) and try to read it.. german to english is really bad to.. spanish to english is understandable just not very fluid..
I don't see why they wouldn't. They can still flaunt around the small betta bites package for a rediculous amount of money.
Sometimes I get lazy.. IE- You’ll see me laying on a plant, or an ornament, which Is why all of the ornaments, and plants in the tank must be safe for me. Fake plastic plants can sometimes tear up my beautiful fins, as well as sharp ornaments. I like to be kept with live plants, given that they are Healthy, and well taken care of. If lighting requirements, or space deficiency keep me from living with my very own live plants, fake Silk plants are better then plastic ones, which may rip at my fins. Also, if I have a lily, on the surface of my water, Sometimes I will beach myself on it. As long as My body is still in the water, and I can get back in, then I am fine. But if I completely beach myself, please help me.
If my home has a filter, or air stone in it, please take in mind that I am quite lazy, and a slow swimmer. IE - Sometimes the current that filters and air stones create can get to be a bit much for me. If you can control the amount of current either creates, try to make it creature a very low current.

NEVER EVER EVER USE SOAP TO CLEAN MY HOME. IE- Never use soap to clean my home, or any other chemicals. Do not spray windex onto my homes glass, or any other cleaners as it may get into my water, and IT WILL KILL ME.

If I get sick.. Please oh please, do not start medicating me with everything in sight! Make sure that you know what is wrong with me, get on the internet, go to the library, consult a trusted aquarist, or Local fish store. Some medications can be harmful to me, especially if that’s not what’s wrong with me!
If my home is to small to be cycled, it might not look as pretty, but it would be safer for there to be no gravel in my home. IE - Sometimes food will go uneaten and drop into the gravel, where it will pollute the tank. Some people find that its easier to keep my home safe for me, if there is no gravel for the food and waste to hide in. However if you do daily water changes, and use a gravel vacuum (( A small tube that you use as a siphon to get the yucky stuff out of the gravel of my tank, that can be bought at a pet store, or a pet department. )) then I will feel as safe all the same.

If my gills puff up, and It looks like I have a big scary mask on. Don’t be afraid! It’s called flaring, and I’m just trying to look big and bad because I saw another me, or my own reflection. If you put a mirror infront of me, and I do this, it means I am healthy, but don’t make me do it for too long cause I’ll get tired of showing off and stop eventually for awhile.

If you look into my home one day, and you see a lot of bubbles that wasn’t there the night before, don’t be alarmed! It’s another of one of those weird things I do. If you see this, then you are looking at my beautiful Bubble nest. It is a sign that I am in good health. If however, I don’t look like a happy, healthy Fish, Such as My fins are clamped to my side, then there is something wrong with me, and I need help.
I think about 95% of people who buy bettas would either be turned off from buying the fish after reading that or simply not read it at all. I'd be surprised if Walmart lets you put it in their stores either because most betta purchases are impulse buys by people looking for a decoration, not a pet. Still, I wish they would because I think about 95% of the bettas bought die in the first year too.
It might be good to put in brand names of declors, decorations, food, etc. that the stores carry. This way you get important info out to the people, and the store may be more willing to hand them out if they see some of the products they carry listed in your care sheet.
Meredith said:
It might be good to put in brand names of declors, decorations, food, etc. that the stores carry. This way you get important info out to the people, and the store may be more willing to hand them out if they see some of the products they carry listed in your care sheet.

It would take some reaserch and would be retailer spacific, giving you more work to do, but this is a great idea!!!! (y) Meredith!
Alright, and I realize it would turn impulse buyers off, but if they arent going to take care of the fish properly, then they have no business buying fish in the first place.
Rach101 said:
Alright, and I realize it would turn impulse buyers off, but if they arent going to take care of the fish properly, then they have no business buying fish in the first place.

I agree but Walmart, and lfs stores count on these impulse buyers to get them into their departments. They bettas are frequently placed at the front of the store/department to draw the impulse buyers in. It starts out with a betta in a glass, then betta food, etc etc. I hope you will have success getting a sheet like this to be given out with betta sales. It's a good idea for sure, from an aquarist point of view. From a business point of view, not such a good idea. JMO.
In other words you might have to bite your toung on your oppinion (wich might be correct) and write it in a way that will get the big retailers to give them out with the impulse buiers.. It might be a good idea to make it as attractive to the eye as the fish.. like having color potographs of nice looking betta's.. you wouldnt be able to produce as many copies to give away but you are more likely to get impule buyers to read what you wrote and actually tank your advise.. Just a thought.. :mrgreen:
I also realize that aswell, lol. I went to walmart, and a LFS today and asked what kinds of dechlors they stock and so on, and I plan on visiting a few more next week if my mom feels like taking me.
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