betta is in the community

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I would just like to state that i have successfully added my male AND female betta to my 55 gallon community tank..i don't think he likes the current much, he keeps trying to make a bubble next but it keeps blowing away from him. I turned off my bubble wall for a while, but the filters still create a lot of agitation. He just kinda hangs out in the corner and the female hangs out in the corner on the opposite side of the tank! LOL
congrats! I had a male betta in my 46 gallon community...I put floating plants in for him and he would stay under them just as happy as can be! You might want to try that.
Congrats! Unfortunately, when I spread out all my fish, I made the mistake of keeping Phantom and Sasha in close quarters for too long and she's got a couple bite marks and frayed fins >_< must've happened yesterday cuz she wasn't like that the other day. But now they're both back in my 10 gal and they're doing fine. Hope yours get along well! ^^
What I've noticed with bettas in a community tank, is that if they're one of the first fish put in, they are happier. Probably so they can establish their territory first. My betta never gets picked on and he's not very aggresive toward the other fish either.
hes not getting picked on, but he just kinda sits in the back corners away from the currents.. i don have some floating anarchis, he gets under that sometimes.
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