Betta showcase

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maddybrat said:
She won't eat food and has red on her gills.. When I feed her she eats it and spits it out!

Red on the gills is usually ammo burn and bettas always chew their food and spit it out then eat it later. I feed mine pellets an he doesn't do it anymore and is looking alot more colorful.
This is the dutch dragon aka das boss. I rescued him from my lfs, he's in a 10 gal for now, but upgrading to a 15 or 20, he runs his tank with an iron fin


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Some very nice bettas on here! Do you guys train them?
here is my betta
I mean to do tricks :lol: I'll post a picture of mine doing one of his tricks maybe.. But he's a newbie to it, he only knows 2 tricks!
lilly_mae21 - he is divine!
thanks. I went to Petsmart and noticed they had tons of Bettas. Went through all the cups. He was in the last row. The check out lady said I picked a good one. They just got them in that morning. He is in a 29 gal with the 4-5 baby corries that were getting too big for the breeder box.
i taught mine to jump and eat food off my finger?
Cute! Mine does it too, but one time I was cleaning out his tank, my hand was just about the water and I felt a nip, got the fright of my life I thought it was a giant bug or something biting me.
Yep, they can bite quite hard too for little guys...
Here's mine, his name is Jack..


Here is him doing one of his tricks in the training tank. He has been trained to swim through the tunnel as soon as it is put in the tank ( itcan be a pain if it's not in right and he is trying to do it already haha) he knows he will get a treat at the end, he's not that obedient!

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