Bill's 12 Long - A Rimless Iwagumi Build

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Wow! It's taking minimalistic to another level! Looks good so far though! That did you do with your old plants?
Wow! It's taking minimalistic to another level! Looks good so far though! That did you do with your old plants?

The HC was struggling, starting to float, just really unhealthy. I tossed it, along with the blyxa trimmings... Sorry bro... :hide:

Yeah, I like how simple it is. I think we're gonna go pick out another betta for this tank. I really miss having one. Maintenance should be easy now, so I can focus on my reef... ;) I don't really like the placement of the stones, I might still play around with it some more, and maybe get some longer manzanita branches to reach more across the tank. Just one on each side.
Man I would have bought the HC from ya I'm trying to get a lot of it going for when I get my riparium built I'm gonna carpet the whole thing with it.
Ya I know. well I have like 4 small Tupperware containers going emersedthere almost full and I only started with like for 4 net pot portions. It's all good I'm about to have to break them all up into something bigger. Btw in ur tank what if you slid your stuff to the left on a hill then on the right did a short stocky tree with riccia or flame moss as the foliage and then a few stones scattered around and a couple crypt parva ranndomly placed between the stones that might look nice but still be simple.
Believe it or not, I only went to clean the tank and trim a little, and this ended up happening... I'm spontaneous like that. I've been wanting to do a scape like this for a while. I think it'll look good once all the plants bounce back. Not sure if its your guys taste, but I enjoy scapes like this just as much as I do tanks carpeted and heavily planted. This is just a better option for me right now with everything else I've got going on.
No! I think it still is awesome! I've seen some ADA tanks that are similar and awesome. I'm not a huge fan of carpeting, but I love me a lot of stem plants. Bright reds.
My only question is, are you going to have to raise the light because of such a decrease in plant mass?
My only question is, are you going to have to raise the light because of such a decrease in plant mass?

I'm probably going to put window screen back between the LEDs and splash guard. It's a little too bright right now so the screen should dim it down nicely. The fish are more active in a little dimmer light as well. Can't wait to get a new betta! :D
Mine made it a healthy year and a half in a 2 gallon petco tank with sponge filter. I didn't known any better :/
Mine made it a healthy year and a half in a 2 gallon petco tank with sponge filter. I didn't known any better :/

Yeah, I felt terrible, like I stressed her to death... She had such a great personality!

I'm probably gonna add some snails as well. Some nerites and possibly some assassins to keep the sand stirred. Not sure if you can keep them together, but I believe you can.
Man... all those plants went compose? You should have sold it or RAOK it! What are you going to do with that atomic regulator, Bill? ;)

I think all this talk of going minimalistic, tearing out plants, has me thinking that it's only a matter of time until this becomes a FOWLR tank (maybe reef shortly after). Stay away from the light, Bill... I think we're losing him to the salty side! Nooooo! Haha
Man... all that blyxa went compose? You should have sold it or RAOK it! What are you going to do with that atomic regulator, Bill? ;)

I think all this talk of going minimalistic, tearing out plants, has me thinking that it's only a matter of time until this becomes a FOWLR tank (maybe reef shortly after). Stay away from the light, Bill... I think we're losing him to the salty side! Nooooo! Haha

Haha no no man! This will stay fresh water! Like I said, it's gonna be for a new betta once the wife and I have time together to go pick one out...

I know dude, I felt so bad for tossing it all, the pile was like the size of a basketball! But yeah, it was a spur of the moment rescape so I hadn't planned on anywhere to keep it or how to ship it, so it hit the garbage bin. I'm still using co2 btw, it's still "high tech" as the blyxa needs it, but it's definitely gonna be easier to care for without the carpet. And when I add snails, I'm hoping they do a better job of keeping the stones and stuff clean then the shrimp did.

Edit: oh and I do already want a larger salt tank, I just want to be able to keep a pair of clowns! They're so cool! But yeah, I don't have the money for it right now... Don't forget, I DO have a spare 12 gallon long....... :D
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