Buddy for my Betta?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 14, 2006
Hey all. I have a nice bright yellow male Betta that I keep in a large vase that is just under 2 gallons with a power filter that I just have a sheet of media in. I have a few questions...

1. I also keep saltwater reef aquariums, and I have high quality carbon on hand. Should I add a little bag to my Betta's power filter?

2. It must be awfully boring being the only inhabitant in a tank...are there any little fish I can put in there with him?

3. Are there any small snails that will eat the brown diatom algae that forms on the glass that I could put in there with him? I notice the diatoms only form when I feed the Betta frozen foods. If I just feed him flake then it goes away.
I do not belive there are any other fish that you can add to that small of a tank, you could try to add an apple snail and a mystery snail, I would think that they would be OK if you keep your house above 72* or if you could add a small heater.
IMO I would try to get at least a 5 gal. tank to put him in then you could add some other kind of fish.
Good luck I think bettas are a great pet, fun to watch
I would avoid any other fish in that small of a tank. Bettas are a great fish. Congrats on aquiring him. He does not need carbon in the filter.
I've had bettas for years (this one for 2 years now), and I've always felt sorry for them being stuck in that little tank. But seriously...you guys don't think you could put a second little fish in a 2g tank? The poor Betta just lays on his plant all day....

I do have a 50w heater I could put in there...but holy cow that would nuke the tank if it got stuck on. I do have a 10g tank I could move him to...
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Oh, please, by all means DO move him into the 10-gallon if you can. He will appreciate it!

Every betta I have ever had has enjoyed swimming the length of a large tank and watching the other fish. In my 55-gallon, I had a betta who struck up a friendship with an angelfish and swam with her all the time. He also was fascinated by the corycats and would follow them. My current betta patrols the tank and is a strong, enthusiastic swimmer.

Ten gallons is still limited space, so you need to be careful about tankmates. I had trouble with one betta who munched on the tails of neon tetras in a 10-gallon. Just choose carefully and be prepared to remove someone if it doesn't work.

I think he will really appreciate the extra room and the company. Please do it, and post pictures!
That tank really is too small for any companions. I wouldn't even add snails unless you're talking about the hitchhiker varieties.

You can get a 25 watt visitherm stealth heater that should work in that size aquarium. I suspect the cooler temperatures have more to do with his lethargy than a lack of companions. More plants to explore and play in would be another option.
I would really try to move him to the ten gallon tank I think you would see an entirely different Betta, he will be much more active and fun to watch
I agree, I have a betta in a 10 gal and one in a 20 gal. They are a completely different fish with more room. If you have the 10 gal you should definately move him there.
I agree with putting the betta in a 10 gallon tank. I have two bettas in their own 10 gallon tanks and they are active. I also agree with the assessment that your betta's lethargy is related to the small size of the vase and the probable cool water temperature. Your betta would be happier in the 10 gallon tank with a heater.
so you guys are suggesting putting a male betta in a community tank? I didn't know you could do that. In that case I should move mine to my molly tank. Could the male and female bettas both live in the tank with the mollys and corys? It's a 20 gallon long.
Could the male and female bettas both live in the tank with the mollys and corys? It's a 20 gallon long.
No..he will harass her to death in a tank.Males and females are only placed together when breeding, then seperated. Watch your other fish, that they do not nip the long fins and bully your betta in the community tank. With peaceful fish he should be fine, and much happier than living in a vase/bowl.
I understand Bettas can become agressive to fancy guppies or anything else with long, colorful fins/tails. Even a light bulb would be a sufficient source of heat in that tiny tank though. I have a 2.5g tank in my office, and there is a 27w (100w equivalent) CFL bulb over it in a hood, and the temp rises about 5-7 degrees over the course of one day with just that bulb. I would suggest the larger tank though. It would give him more room to strut his stuff :)

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