Can't get rid of ammonia!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 1, 2013
I have a 20 gal with 6 zebra danio and 6 glolight tetras which I started on 2/27/13.
My problem is every time I test the parameters I get 5 nitrate, 0 nitrites, 0.5-1.0 ammonia.
I have been doing every other day water changes of 5-10 gallons.
Should I do a very large water change?
The fish seem ok and are eating fine I am just concerned over the ever-present ammonia level.
I thought it was cycled when I added initially 3 zebras, then 1 wk later 3 more then about a week later the 6 tetras.
I may have added too many too quickly, it's my first tank I guess I am impatient.
So do y'all think I should do a large water change or series of changes, say 75% instead of doing a lot of smaller changes 25%)? I only have 5 ppm of nitrate so I guess I was afraid to lose the little BB that I have.
I have a similar problem, I have a 10 gallon freshwater (divided w/ 3 bettas) and after 7 months, I still get 0.5 ppm ammonia every time I test. I've tested the water coming out of the tap and the reading on that is 0.5 ppm ammonia. But I talked to some people and they said it may be because it's still not "completely cycled" and may take a few more months before anything happens...
I would suggest testing the water coming from the tap. I'm not really an expert on cycling tanks but that's what I would suggest...that way you know what the water is when it's going into your tank. Also, I took some advice of a friend and have been double-dosing with Prime after each water's so frustrating when you can see the levels but don't really know what to do!
I hope this helped a little...but I'm sure someone more experienced can help you more than I can!!
I tested my tap water - I have a well, and there is no ammonia in it.
I did not get Prime yet my LFS doesn't carry it, I have been using a Nutrafin product.
When you cycled your tank, you did a fish LESS cycle adding an ammonia source? When you thought it was cycled, you were getting consistent readings of 0 ammo/nitrites & <20 nitrates? It can take 8 wks, give or take, to completely cycle a tank so if you started the tank on 02/27 you're barely at the 6 wk mark. In any case, I would do a 50% (+) daily water change because if the ammonia is at 1 it should drop to .5 & if its at .5 it should drop it to .25.
Hmm well like I said I'm not an expert on cycling tanks (I ended up throwing a betta and some cory cats in my 10 when I first started, not knowing anything about cycling).
I did a bit of research just now and it's common for nitrates to take a bit to come down because of the wait for the bacteria to develop (the ones that break it down)...
Maybe try keeping the % during a water change low, so you don't get rid of the BB you have?
I've also heard that (if possible) get a bit of old media from another, established fish tank and that way it'll introduce more BB into your new tank...not sure how good of a method that is but I did it when I had to change a filter cartridge and I didn't have any problems with spiking levels.

Sorry I can't be of more help!
Hmm well like I said I'm not an expert on cycling tanks (I ended up throwing a betta and some cory cats in my 10 when I first started, not knowing anything about cycling).
I did a bit of research just now and it's common for nitrates to take a bit to come down because of the wait for the bacteria to develop (the ones that break it down)...
Maybe try keeping the % during a water change low, so you don't get rid of the BB you have?
I've also heard that (if possible) get a bit of old media from another, established fish tank and that way it'll introduce more BB into your new tank...not sure how good of a method that is but I did it when I had to change a filter cartridge and I didn't have any problems with spiking levels.

Sorry I can't be of more help!

You don't want to do smaller water changes because there are fish in the tank & you need to keep the ammonia & nitrites as low as possible for the health & safety of the fish. The water column has some BB but the bulk of the BB is on the substrate, decorations, plants & in the filter media.
I did a fishless cycle but my nitrates never reached 20, that is probably where I made the error!
I did a fishless cycle but my nitrates never reached 20, that is probably where I made the error!

Not necessarily, I've had tanks spike extremely high with nitrates & others barely register. Did you ever see nitrItes? It is possible this is a mini cycle because of the added bio load & won't last long. Unfortunately all you can do is what you're already doing, keep testing & doing appropriate water changes.
No I have not seen nitrites with any of my tests
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