Cardinal tetras - dangerous water parameters?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 5, 2004
Hi, I added some cardinal tetras today and did a basic water parameter check of ammonia and nitrite.

Btw, the tank should at LEAST be partially cycled (i hope) seeding it from an established tank.

Anyways, the ammonia I found at 0.4 and nitrite at 0.1. Should I be concerned and do some instant PWC? Or should regular PWC be ok as long as they stay close or below that level? Thanks.
Here is what little input i can give you is keep an close eye on it and do a PW every two days for a few day, but if it spikes then do one every day for at least 4 to 5 days. Maybe some one else can give you better advice or input but this is what i would do :|
Do you have any other fish in the tank to continue the cycling process? Yes, those levels are high and you should do a pwc today, and test again tomorrow. If necessary, do another water change tomorrow.

I would do these water changes for the sake of the other fish in the tank. The levels of ammonia and nitrite are not sky-high, but they will stress fish over a period of time, and you do need to do daily testing and water changes if necessary. I started a tank at the beginning of January, and I did daily water changes for 3 weeks, so I know it can get a little tiring! Just hang in there! I also seeded from an established tank after three weeks. It did not give me an "instant cycle" -- I still had to wait a week after using the "sponge scrunge" to see a zero ammonia level, so you'll still need to watch your water parameters.

I don't think the cardinals will do well with that level at all, though. Watch them very closely, and if they begin to get stressed, if they aren't already, I would take them back to the store, or maybe give them to the person you got the seed material from, until the tank is fully cycled.
That's all the fish I have in the aquarium.

Actually, sorry, should be a false alarm. I was using a test kit from one of those "large collection" of test kits in one. When I was using my more accurate ammonia test, it had a reading of zero. Nitrite should be 0-0.1.

Though I am a bit concerned about them appearing to like the "corners" of my tank (ie where they hang around), esp at the bak where my sponge n bubble curtain is. But I am happy that they seem to be schooling together now :)

Also, when I feed them, they seem to wait for the flakes to fall down. Is that normal? Do they generally surface feed or wait for the food to sink down?
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