Cichlid + Community Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 16, 2011
I've got a 10-gallon community tank that I'll soon be transplanting to a 30-gallon. With this extra room I'd like to add one "show" fish to complete the tank. I was really hoping for this to be a cichlid - either a yellow lab, electric blue, or an angelfish.

The other community members would be: 2x male guppies, 1x swordtail, 3x neon tetras, 1x oto, and 1x ADF.

Please let me know if adding one cichlid would work out ok. My thought was that with only one it wouldn't become aggressive. That number of fish should have a decent amount of space in that sized tank, right?
Never mind the aggressiveness. The 30gal would be too small for any of those choices. If you still want a cichlid though, maybe try a German blue ram?
+1, a 30g will not work with what you listed above.

Rams, Gourami's , or Apisto's would work with your stock list.
I have a very mellow cichlid, Australoheros oblongum, that would work well in a 30, but it will grow large enough to eat the neons and guppies. On the other hand, so will any of the others you listed...
Adult male:

I currently have over 100 juvies available, some ready to pair off now.
Am I just remembering them wrong? I had an angelfish in my tank (this same 30g) as a kid with neons.

The angelfish only grew to 3-4 inches (maybe 5-6 if you count the fins as body). Certainly, its mouth was nowhere near large enough to eat a neon!
Apparently you've never seen a well-grown angelfish open its mouth completely. It opens into sort of a short tube, surprisingly larger than it looks normally, quite big enough to engulf a neon.
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