Cichlid ID

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 1, 2008
Ft lauderdale, FL
Is their a web site that has pics of cichlids so I can ID what I have. I need to get some females for what I think are males. Thanks
post pictures somebody on here will probably know, however if it is african and from a local place they can very often be interbred making it more difficult to id
Here they are. I hope someone can ID them


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These two guys are about 4 inches long. Those two and the Red Zebra, which is also about the same size are always fighting or challenging each other.
I dont know cichlids but beautiful fish and awesome looking tank. Sorry to stray but can you start another thread with your full tank shot. There is a forum specifically for it. Also nice lights the illuminate the fish! Looks cool!
The first one kinda strikes me as a Red Top Zebra, but then again they have darker faces, maybe crossed with a whiter variety of Metriaclima at some point? At first I was thinking albino Red Top, but that would have a red eye I am pretty sure...

Second shot I can't gauge the second fish... either way they are both bad (meaning good) looking fish!
Looks like a Metriaclima greshakei to me. :) Males.

Species Profiles -- Cichlid-Forum

Here is a site that has pictures, but its mostly in another language.....but you can get what they are talking about.

Freshwater Aquarium - Malawi Cichlids

I think that is it. The one in the pic is very simular to the two that I have.
I may even have a female already in the tank. I bought three of these fish at the same time. They all looked alike, but as they got older and BIGGER two of them now look the same and the other is much dark with no disiguising bands. Thanks
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