Cichlids dieing

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well after 2 weeks all seem to be well. Until today. I lost my Last Perlmutt. I'm rather upset because he was one of my larger juvenilles that had really colord up. I'm sad to say but i'm not buying another african Cic. My experience in two months has been buy now retun before the warranty expires. because thats about as long as they live. In short I'm def. not giving up the Hobby but rather looking for another good looking fish...tired of treating my tanks and regardless what i do fish die..Sad...well I hope it works for you'll...Water levels read. Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5 ammonia 0 ph 7.8
treatments. fungus and parisite(internal/ external)
Could it be the swim bladder, if they feed on the surface of the water and gulp alot of air in it could effect there swim bladder and have them floating all around the tank
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